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Ohio Bans Gender Affirming Medical and Mental Health Care for Transgender Children

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2 minutes ago, braves121 said:

All this grandstanding about this, something you are so very passionate about and you cant provide a single source or example to save your ass haha

I’m just stating facts. I couldn’t care less about what happens in OHIO 

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1 minute ago, braves121 said:

Bro you never gave proof you only said “this is what’s happening” not one source of evidence 

And I explained how it’s happening more than once. Which you have yet to refute. Why is that?   Cause you can’t. 

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When do people realize that you can’t change your sex?  You can butcher your body, but only to the point it becomes asexual.  You can medicate the brain, but it wears off.  Sixth grade science used to teach that you can’t change your chromosomes.  Medical schools are teaching how to make money playing God. 

Edited by Offthemat
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If a child was to dress a certain way, act a certain way, play with certain things, be entertained by certain things…..that’s fine.  No problem here. 

When you want to start pumping chemicals into children for these reasons, that’s where the issue lies.  Messing around with the biology of a child. 

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16 hours ago, JimmyBT said:

Where can’t girls participate in boys sports if they’re good enough?? The debate is almost exclusively about biological boys participating in girls sports. 

Yes, its old hat. Girls play and beat boys in boys sports sometimes. Tale as old as time.

And if we're talking about k-12 sports, I still haven't heard a good reason to keep them from doing it. Someone posted there are 6 total in the state and only 3 have been given the green light. I wonder what they had to go through to be cleared to play? Do you? It probably wasn't easy. But as sport teaches us, to persevere in the face of adversity is a noble endeavor. I hope they're better people for committing to their journey and come out better on the other side.  

You know there's more than just two sexes right? By that I mean there are more combinations of X and Y chromosomes than just XX or XY. 

I have a feeling you mean boy and girl in the XX/XY meanings of those words, but there are more variation out there. 

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16 hours ago, JimmyBT said:

Does your world ever realize that it costs money to do everything you you think is right. Create more teams sounds so simple. Smh. How about the trans kids form their own teams ??????   Show me ANYWHERE that there’s been a conversation concerning the girls that lost their spot or playing time to a biological boy.   Other than the parents of those children nobody seems to care.  

3 out of a grand total of 6 in the state. Definition of a solution in search of a problem. 

Find the displaced people. Find where there is a problem. Find the extent of the damage being caused. Figure out if there is problem to be fixed and what that solution might be. Railing against a new thing because it will disrupt the old thing(which is what it sounds like you're doing, without actual evidence of a problem) is not a reason to stop. Find some scholarship. Some studies. Anything. The 'Common Sense' argument doesn't hold water because our senses(you and I) are obviously different. Its not that common. There needs to be more. 

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4 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

That's a very general statement. Care to elaborate? 

Based on what? Any study or data? Findings of any kind? 

Side note: Are you in favor of Conversion Therapy? 

I'll try again:

Life experiences that have allowed me to engage with a large variety of people of different ages, ethnicities, backgrounds, cultures, etc all over the world.  Through those experiences I have and continue to gain a better understanding of human behavior.

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16 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

So you have no sources or point just blind hate for people that are different. Got it!

Read what I said pee wee the example I gave proves it. So slow 

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19 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

Don't bother with JBT. He's a moron. Not interested in learning or conversing. Just flexing then crying in the shower. He'll attack me next, watch!

You called me a moron. Who’s attacking. Bhahahhahahahahahaha. 

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