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Everything posted by Hammerlock3

  1. the ASU back ups so far have done their job
  2. why are they not cutting this kid....its a BACKUP, cardenas is one of your studs....
  3. good point by Pyles...cardenas doens't need a set up...
  4. is someone gonna wrestle well this dual....
  5. if foca doesn't terminate this match the theme of cornell underperforming will continue...
  6. this ref is ballsy with the stall calls and a coward with falls...
  7. anyone know this guys annoying uncle?
  8. mclanahan might have trouble finding someone to sit next to on the bus....
  9. is they were gay they'd be more interesting
  10. the cornell kid seems to think he's gonna win
  11. ok which one of these randos is gonna win?
  12. OMG....i just remembered how much i hate pyles....
  13. its a product of the season being too long.
  14. the grossest element of the forum is the PSU fans who are constantly scouring for angles to take character based attacks on Iowa people...and do it for absolutely no reason.
  15. Am I missing something more obvious than, they made him wrestle and he's pissed about it.
  16. Hopefully our sport can provide the financial incentives for this to make sense...but we also shouldn't be so cyncial as fans, someone has to fill out the bracket, and honestly he isn't a great match up for a lot of people.
  17. what are the charges?
  18. Johnson has ability but he is tough and smart to boot.
  19. omg what a horrible call
  20. I'm just tuned in to see if that ugly PSU 57lber loses
  21. pap should get a medal for not ducking Keck
  22. we know tbar calm down
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