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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. I know. I know I should just ignore jr But its kinda fun sometimes. He tries so hard not to push out a paragraph of psycho babble but he just can’t stop himself.
  2. Again. I’ll believe you when you take in an illegal all on your own. Say gooder. Does nothing. Talk talk talk. Some Self respect would do wonders for you.
  3. It’s exhausting seeing your psycho babble over and over. Yep.
  4. Will do.
  5. Penn St wanted Nagao because of the way he was able to ride RBY. He’s an AA that most thought would be better because of the PSU room. His ability on top was offset by the 3 pt td and IMO he didn’t improve on his feet like they thought he would. Im on record after he left Minnesota saying he won’t finish as high as he did last year and I still feel that way.
  6. It will put his in a knot for a different reason than yours and mine
  7. Lashed out? Bahahahahahahahahha. OMG And I was whispering Always so dramatic.
  8. They come from where it’s brutally hot. Seems like your fine stacking more people on top of the 44% in this country you say are already suffering.
  9. They wouldn’t be here for that to happen without Biden. Oh and remain in Mexico would have them where it’s warm.
  10. It’s the damage that you speak of. All the cruelty you claim is being done to them once they arrive is on Biden.
  11. Do you? Do you answer questions that are asked three times? Jeez
  12. I’ve asked him three times now and he’s avoided it all three. He’s a hypocrite for sure
  13. Owns all the cruelty they’ve faced. And all the damage it’s doing to the people here dealing with it. It will cost him in Nov.
  14. And the pause you always give is throw money at it. We don’t have the money or the capacity in our current system. Sorry but it’s a fact.
  15. Face it. Biden owns this. It’s all on him. Coming into this country legally is the backbone. Has been for a long time now.
  16. I’m not being cruel to anyone. There are plenty other huge issues like taking care of the people already here. FIRST
  17. https://www.newsweek.com/illegal-immigration-costs-us-billions-biden-administration-policy-impact-taxpayer-burden-1866555 after taxes taken in. Questioned by whom??
  18. So implement it. And again should have been done in 2021
  19. Again. Should have been done day 1 that he took over
  20. - Remaining in Mexico is not unrealistic. - I never said close the border entirely. In fact, I said let the border patrol allow entries at a pace they can handle (legally) that allows them to enter while not overwhelming our systems like they are now.
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