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Everything posted by billyhoyle

  1. It also isn't a good idea to keep somebody who wanted the job and will leave right away.
  2. But even if there's more competition, is competing more better? It's not as if the international athletes compete every week, and that is the highest level of the sport.
  3. You think he's going to bring the famous binder with him?
  4. I agree that the dominance has killed the sport-I don't think it's a coincidence that TV ratings are the lowest they've been years. The sport needs a competitive team race and some guys with personalities. Not the "wrestling is fun" but watching it isn't steamroller.
  5. Except they've been dominant for years and have only been getting better. And not just in NCAA competition, but they've really started to do well internationally as well. There was zero indication that they were getting complacent.
  6. I have no idea, but why would he leave UNC unless he was told he'd get the job?
  7. I think he has to clean house. Maybe Mark Hall? Dake eventually? Molinaro?
  8. This is definitely not great news for PSU. They have never been better in NCAA and Internationally. Their biggest competition for the past four years is completely reliant on transfers, who usually get worse while coached there. Taylor will actually be able to compete for recruits.
  9. So back to the original topic....They really did CS dirty here. Usually, it's coaches that leave programs in the dust, not the other way around.
  10. I don't remember what this is referring to.
  11. Would you count Snyder on this tree? I don't really see many other big time candidates at the moment, not to say that there won't be others in the future.
  12. Yeah, so much for that argument. I remember posts a couple months ago where people said he wouldn't ever take the Iowa job because of his farm and M2 training center....As if he can't also have a farm in Iowa/Oklahoma and he can't also have small businesses in Iowa/Oklahoma.
  13. This is the key point. When Cael went to PSU, it wasn't just the fact that he went that made them great. It was the combination of the recruiting base, but more importantly, the resources that brought him there were going to allow him to build the program he wanted. OSU will quickly be the #2 program.
  14. Cael will be much better off if DT stays and Cunningham leaves than if DT leaves and Cunningham stays. Of course they say this. That doesn't mean it's true.
  15. Cunningham wouldn’t have near the success as DT or Jb. PSU athletes and fans can give him all the credit in the world, and I’m sure he’s great at his job, but he’s not the reason recruits are going to PSU.
  16. According to your beliefs, but explain how Aaron Brooks just won an NCAA title and made the olympic team?
  17. At what point was it going according to plan? I agree that WWE fans have zero interest in actual wrestling, but that has been obvious forever. If he was a Vince McMahon guy, why was he disappeared while Vince was still running things? I think the allegations against McMahon contributed to Steveson having zero chance at all (given the accusations that have followed Gable), but I don't think at any point was Gable ever in a strong position for success at WWE.
  18. You think team Israel will be welcomed with open arms?
  19. Yes. 4/5 < 4/4. But if he wins he has a record that will never be broken.
  20. Is it even fun to root for your team when they are mainly transfers and get worse while at the school?
  21. Did you just come from the personal finance subreddit?
  22. UFC is owned by the same parent company as WWE, and at this point, UFC is more about entertainment than actual athletics/competition. It would have made zero sense to keep him hidden for three years and then have him try UFC.
  23. End of an era. We are lucky with what Art Martori invested into the sport, especially before the RTC model took shape and it seemed like all the top guys were relying on Sunkist. Not to mention saving the ASU program. A true friend of the sport and USA wrestling.
  24. This raises questions about what CS was promised. Why would he leave UNC to OKState unless he was promised the job? Are they really going back on that?
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