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Everything posted by wrestlingguy

  1. Republicans voting it down had nothing to do with Trump. Likely had more to do with funneling more money to Ukraine. They always try to sneak stuff through. Usually giving themselves raises.
  2. The answer is no. However, I am tired of the government creating these problems. Close the border and stop letting all of these criminals in. What is the end goal? They can't vote right?
  3. Ask the people of Aurora, CO what living in a lawless society looks like currently. It looks like Venezuelan gangs taking over apartments. How did they get here you ask? The current administration's horrible border policy. I don't know anyone that would volunteer for more of the garbage they are providing. I am not a gun guy by any means but the situation out there would certainly make me an AR-15 owner, especially since their governor seems to think it's fine and won't send in the national guard. Reminds me of Tim Walz dealing with the Minneapolis riots.
  4. She is so unbelievably bad at lying I don't know how she has been a politician this long. At least Biden had his age to blame for his cognitive decline, what the hell is her excuse?
  5. Good lord no!! How the hell is there not a better/more capable candidate out there?
  6. Quality people? Did you watch the CNN interview? They are both in way over their head and kept getting caught in their own lies. If last night was any indication she will be backing out of the debates.
  7. So you prefer a career politician like Biden who has been there for 40+ years and made millions off of being bought for political influence? Got it. I don't know if you know this or not but Russia and Ukraine had already signed a peace deal but the Biden administration pressured them into ripping it up. Trump will take care of it when he gets into office. He doesn't like to launder billions of tax dollars to foreign countries to keep them quiet about his dirty dealings during his time as VP.
  8. Let's be honest for once Rasta. There is media of every president at Arlington that has ever been there including Biden and Obama so this is only being blown up because it's Trump.
  9. Holy crap fire whoever was dumb enough to come up with that idea and also make it public knowledge.
  10. You act like he is some random guy off the street. He was in the White House for 4 years already. Were we funneling massive amounts of money to Ukraine and Israel during that time? Was cumulative inflation sky high?
  11. Guaranteed. We call that the democratic spin.
  12. They are trying anything to get pushback so they can say Trump is afraid and so Kamala can back out. If you aren't Hellen Keller you know who she is you either can admit it or you are in denial.
  13. What exactly is going on? After calling it racist and saying it was ridiculous to make taxpayers pay for a border wall for years Kamala is now trying to say we need one? 1. You as the border czar and your administration let them in the country in record numbers. 2. You might want to inform Tim Walz since he said he was going to supply ladders so they could climb over the wall.
  14. Understood. There is also a way to run ads on a website that doesn't make it seem like it's junky and spam.
  15. This shit is out of control!! If I didn't know any better I would think I had a virus on my computer. What the hell kind of sell out is running the intermat forums?
  16. I don't know who is dumber, Kamala Harris or the people blindly voting for her. They claim she was VP, a prosecutor, Senator so she is superior. Then whey can't she stop the game playing and debate Trump if he is so beneath her? She isn't hiding from the media because she can articulate her policies. At this point don't you see she is being protected just like Biden was for years? I think this is a clear ploy to try to get Trump to back out so she can say he is "scared". What a joke.
  17. That would require them to admit that she is an absolute disaster and not up for the job. Voting on emotions is a real problem but "orange man bad".
  18. Kamala hated Biden until she realized the racist old man was her ticket to greater power and he needed her for the woman and minority vote.
  19. I agree. Just stating that his ultimate goal is to be a scum bucket in Washington like the rest.
  20. Kansas City, Missouri. He is a smooth talker but like most politicians just tells you what you want to hear in hopes you will be dumb enough to believe him. He belongs in Washington with the rest of the promise everything deliver nothing politicians.
  21. But I will say Jean Peters Baker is more than part of the problem. She refuses to hold criminals accountable so why do they care if they keep breaking the law if they keep getting a slap on the wrist?
  22. Quinton Lucas is a do nothing blow hard. He only cares about getting into politics at the national level at this point.
  23. The face of defeat right there. How big of a Pu$$y do you have to be to use pronouns and let someone cuck your wife and admit it on national TV?
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