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Ohio Elite

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Everything posted by Ohio Elite

  1. Talk about a Grinch!! Lol
  2. Ya beat me to it!
  3. This is on Rokfin?
  4. Red Rider baby!!
  5. I use a VPN. Especially when I'm downloading from torrent sites. I don't have Flo. But the VPN blocks all ads witch would normally fill up my screen. Alot of viruses are filtered out too.
  6. He's got my vote as well.
  7. Are you officially endorsing him for President?
  8. Mine came up similar to yours. Had Vivek at 1, and Nikii at 2, DeSantis 3. Everything else was very similar.
  9. That's a good one!
  10. Just looked him up, looked thru his last month of Twitter posts. Seems like a perfect match for a CNN or MSNBC employee. My thoughts? Doooooosh bag.
  11. I have no idea..
  12. This one is a classic!
  13. Hoffman took a slight beat down.
  14. He was able to finish the match, that's a good sign. And win
  15. Doesn't look good...
  16. Is Wilcox winning the wrestle off? Or is Hepner still banged up? Anybody know?
  17. Other 2 are in the college forum. This is the best one...by far
  18. We have 3 threads going on right now lol
  19. Ohio State leads 10-6 through the first 5 weights
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