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Ohio Elite

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Everything posted by Ohio Elite

  1. Seems good to me..
  2. Good call, I didn't realize that. Thanks
  3. Monthly would be great, kinda how ESPN+ does it.
  4. 69.99 per sport for the year or something crazy like that. @MPhillips would know
  5. Thanks for answering. Aren't they still trying to regain credibility after the 2 year Trump Russia hoax they pushed down our throats? All cable news is propaganda at this point. I refuse to watch any of them.
  6. That was pretty well said. Curious about your personal thoughts on CNN and MSNBC? I noticed they were not mentioned specifically.
  7. That's an impressive record! Shame he took the football route.
  8. I hope @VakAttack spell checks he's legal paper work better than the Title of this thread LOL!! Just kiddin I miss Pell shit all the time, and of course I don't realize it until after the time to edit has expired...
  9. Please tell us, who exactly should we be listening too? I want that top notch info like you're getting. Seems legit...
  10. Speaking of dead guys... We need a return of the late great Chris Farley..
  11. I wish he was still alive. Had a very unique perspective on things.
  12. Great question lol
  13. Ain't that the truth lol
  14. Unfortunately, I think you are correct.
  15. Amen
  16. Blueberry pancakes and blueberry syrup. IHOP baby!!
  17. Merry Christmas to everybody. Let's hope 2024 is a great year!
  18. I hope Brooks smashes him.
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