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  1. Ludington is that option
  2. They literally have a statue outside the arena with Dan Gable holding up the stall call. They are insufferable.
  3. This is who Iowa could pluck from currently ranked 197s. You can add Connor Mirasola and Rocky Elam if you consider the redshirts who could have reasons to move like lineup issues or money. Literally everyone thinks AJ Ferrari is the most likely.
  4. Is there a club the St. Ed's kids go to? They had a streak of NCAA All Americans from like 1982 through like 2019. I do not know if the streak ended. I think it did. Can we point their success back to someone? Caveat, I think they get a lot of move ins but I don't really know. I never lived around there.
  5. Are you just saying that, or you've heard something?
  6. It's an interesting point made about Sealey having been demoralized in the room. PSU has more depth than ever. But I would guess that he does well this summer in freestyle and it's just freshman looking like freshman. It basically happens to them all. Also, Sealey is going to have less than 4 years in the starting lineup. When he committed, it made sense. A lot has changed since 2022. He committed like early on in his process. Messenbrink wasn't a thought. Kasak wasn't supposed to be this big. I'm probably forgetting something.
  7. Where are these quotes from?
  8. Why are you putting "losing" in quotations?
  9. Sealey straight up missing a year no matter what if he stays. PJ Duke or Messenbrink will need to go 174 or else PJ Duke is missing a year. Cunningham in same boat as PJ Duke. I understand why you just take in all the best guys. I do not understand why wrestlers would stay and lose eligibility. Especially for a guy like PJ Duke or Connor Mirasola.
  10. I think a rash guard and shorter shorts would be great
  11. How long has this guy been giving to the program?
  12. Honestly Bo narrowed it down to these schools because he legit fits into the lineups. I'm not sure if long term his brother fits in at Penn State.
  13. That matches up if he is at a new school in a few days. Otherwise this has nothing to do with this season, although his feelings might be hurt that the coaches might've told him he would be heavyweight next year and now they are going back on that.
  14. I hope he finds a place to wrestle this season. Maybe he needs to be quick drive away from his parents. Anyone see any reasons for why he gave up on Iowa State?
  15. You missed Indiana.
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