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Everything posted by pokemonster

  1. Idk man, Wikipedia says you only lost 3-2...
  2. Big gap between Feldman and Kerk...
  3. Kerkvliet only has 8 matches? What the
  4. Ryder is so damn dangerous. Also, another mispronounced name. Luke Gogg against Aaron Brooks
  5. He went out for blood... Ran into a bit of a roadblock in Welsh
  6. My girlfriend pointed out how even the cheerleader, inches from the mat, was literally yawning in the third period of the Bartlett - Mendez match. Then went to take a bath. I reckon I'll have to change the channel when she's done.
  7. That description seems to be the entire crowd in rec hall, minus the grandma's which make up about 25%. I'm surprised there aren't more younger people there... Not a great sign for wrestling.
  8. Yeah, Bartlett didn't do a damn thing all match. Which of course was generated off of Mendez's offense
  9. Nice strategy by Bartlett to do absolutely nothing
  10. Really gonna call the match with the neutral swipes?
  11. Yeah, why weren't there any Americans? Weird.
  12. They had all the momentum and blew it...
  13. Feldman with the clutch win over Davison, he's in the big boys club now. What a comeback from the Buckeyes. They were getting absolutely beaten down up until Hepner started his comeback.
  14. Coming down to heavyweight... Tough task for Feldman, let's see what he's made of
  15. Hepner with a payback cradle at the very end for the W. Nice comeback.
  16. Hepner cradled by the backup... Buckeyes really showed up tonight!
  17. Gomez currently spanking D'Emilio all over the mat
  18. Michigan forfeits to Mendez. Lame.
  19. Who cares, they gambled when gambling wasn't allowed. They got caught and they're making it out like they're the victims.
  20. If he did I need to watch it. Willie actually said it was a queef.
  21. I hope so, but the past tells me that's a hell naw. Wrestling doesn't like these kind of matchups.
  22. First AJ Ferrari calls him Christina, now he's making bold statements and causing more controversy. What is he trying to do here? 2024 is not off to a good start. See tweet with Willie and Pat Minnow below:
  23. And he's simultaneously putting down the Clash of Combat guys as if he's some hard-hitting no-nonsense reporter. I'd like to see an interview where he asks the tough questions. Coming across as a total dbag here, Christina.
  24. You're good to hide em now that I have the link
  25. Hmmm, isn't he gonna run into copyright issues if he's showing it? Usually these things only fly under the radar if nobody knows about them
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