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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. That’s where I say, there always has been and always will be ‘bad aspects’, but America as a whole….nah. Gotta stay on our toes.
  2. Haven't seen that one before. Is it new or have I just missed it? When has American been bad? I mean, there always has been and always will be aspects of America that is bad, but.....??
  3. It's coocoo, ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous(when I don't agree with them, otherwise they're pretty logical).......oh but if he's guilty i want justice served. And don't forget: HUNTER HUNTER HUNTER! LOL was an appropriate intro.
  4. It's all out there for the public to look at, and very easily accessible. It's not up to me to provide it for you. Good morning.
  5. Well first, America is great. Second, nothing wrong making American great, or even greater!
  6. I don't call everyone who has a differing opinion MAGA....far from it. I point out whenever I see someone parrotting MAGA style BS. I will grant you, there is an awful lot of it to call out.
  7. It's cute the lengths some will reach in their 'yeah but'. Redacted documents are a very, very regular thing, and have been for a long time. Members of congress crying for years and screaming "it was someone else it was someone else, and we're going to prove it with the video.....but we're going to blur out the faces" is not so common. MAGA!!!
  8. Correction....MAGA is going to blur the faces. After screaming and yelling to us for years who was 'really' in the crowd. Flocks are gonna flock....
  9. He’s been making it very clear what another term would look like, with his own words. It’s up to y’all to listen.
  10. Actually, then again, some are his political opposition, and….well….see above. And then again, some, way way too few but some, were actually his politicos partners at one point, but then he tried to become a dictator, ane…..well …..see above.
  11. To some he is not in any way ‘political opposition’. To some he is simply a former President who tried to become a dictator, and failed, so now he must pay the price.
  12. If I'm not mistaken, he has exactly two senior level FS tournaments under his belt to this point, only one competition in the last nine months, and the trials are four months away....correct?
  13. Why do I feel like we are leading down a path toward someone's tongue being stuck to a frozen light pole???
  14. No, but Rick Scott has already opened the playbook. And he’s about to get paid!! Correct. The championship is listed on the site but is not technically an NCAA championship. I believe it’s quite literally the College Football Playoff National Championship.
  15. I guess taking something I didn’t say, and twisting it to make it sound like something I did say, so that it makes you feel better about this whole thing, is your way of responding that we in fact don’t have any more to cover on this topic. Enjoy the games.
  16. Careful to differentiate “crimes public knows about”, and allegations screamed by media and their politicians
  17. There is inconsistency in who is charged and for what. Very true. In fact I don't think I've seen anyone argue that. But the point is it's more of a privileged/not as privileged thing, not as much a Rep vs Dem thing as your news feeds want you to buy into it being. Most US citizens disbelieve that Biden received 81M legit votes. I wonder if that has anything to do with a bunch of government officials, who we all have agreed lie to us, along with a bunch of their following media, who we all agree and even some of them have admitted they lie to us, began screaming at us before the election even happened, that if the democrat won it's only because it was rigged. Is that possible??? I mean again we have Trump and Maga screaming......and then we have the results of 60 lawsuits. Remember they said Trump would be a dictator in 2016? I do remember a bunch of people saying that. I was not one of them, but clearly remember. Fortunately he proved them wrong.....when he tried and failed. Drain the swamp 2024. Couldn't agree more.
  18. We can also look past the record instead of stopping there. Four of Auburn’s six losses came against top 13 teams. They lost to Georgia and Bama by a combined 10 points. Lost to #11 by a touchdown. Yeah….they shit the bed a couple times in their 12 games for sure, but they are much tougher than people here are claiming. Especially in the Iron Bowl.
  19. We’ve known about the clicks and money well before Robert Kennedy decided to get some attention. Not sure what you mean with the second line.
  20. I’ve been as well it is insane. But as far as the game in the field in the context of what I was talking about it is not on the same level. I’m not going to waste anytime trying to convince you of that, you can go compare the histories yourself. We can continue going round and round for a few more days and not get any further than we were yesterday, or as I said before we can agree to disagree. I don’t think they got it completely right or completely wrong, but based on how it is written up and contracted, I agree with them. There is no perfectly right answer. Is there anything else we need to cover on this topic?
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