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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. It was not unresponsive. It was just not responded to in the manner a certain segment of the population has decided she needs to respond. Stating, once again during the specific briefing in question, they were not on the property the day of or the day before is not only not unresponsive, it’s very direct. It’s beyond the aspect of ‘no he didn’t drop it’ with the added element of ‘he wasn’t even here’.
  2. This is very honestly I’d prefer people do their own due diligence if they are seriously considering this guy as president of the United States, rather than put any weight into what some anonymous dude on social media says. But to answer your question: The cliff notes would include drug abuse, drug distribution, spousal abuse both physical and mental (to be fair I believe the physical is ‘alleged’), among other characteristics of…..well someone with just truly bad character, displayed throughout their lifetime.
  3. I would strongly suggest reading up on what RFK has done in his life, continuously and repeatedly, when deciding how much I want to believe coming from him on a ‘campaign trail’.
  4. The biggest difference is what mspart left out of her statement….which was that she had been answering this ad nausea for the last couple of days and then clearly stated, again, that the Biden’s were not at the White House the day it was found nor the day before. She did mistakenly say they weren’t there two days before when that was in fact the day they left. Mspart continued to push that she left the question unanswered, which she in fact did answer by saying they were not even there. In one way it’s kinda surprising he didn’t have the whole statement copy and pasted, but then again one can clearly see why he wouldn’t want to copy and paste the whole statement on this one
  5. To be fair and for the sake of full context, she didn’t just say “that’s an irresponsible thing to ask” and then leave it at that. She said that there has been some very irresponsible reporting, then went on to say how she’s been very clear for the last two days answering about it, and then went on to be very clear that the Biden’s were not at the White House when it was found. Again, just so we know all that was said instead of just a few words.
  6. That Your examples are all very sad, and sincerely heartfelt, but they are not examples of something that is new to humanity beginning January 21,2021. There are examples of war, drug epidemic, harmful substances pushed onto our public through government intervention, etc etc throughout history (and throughout political parties). None of those examples however change the fact, yes fact, that policies can and do change with the stroke of a pen, in a new term. There are two things that affect me and my family significantly, SIGNIFICANTLY, more than who is president. But at the end of the day, I clearly stated that I am no big fan of Biden and some of his policies. But I feel like Maga is the most dangerous thing going right now to what this country was written up to be, which….I like how it was written up to be….so that’s going to be my voter issue this time around.
  7. And yet, so many people will say this, and in the next chat parrot what they hear from the media they listen to, while calling everyone idiots who listens to the media they don't listen to. The hypocrisy and idiocy is filled to the brim, on both sides.
  8. I wish I would have planned today for one of those days of starting a brisket before sunrise…. Happy Sunday
  9. I don’t disagree with this, however I personally just feel Trump and Maga are far more dangerous to what the United States is (or at least was written to be). My feeling is, as I said before, policies are changed at the stroke of a pen. Once someone takes hold of an authoritarian government….that’s it. It’s all over. This is where you lose me. As I see this mindset of “you are certifiably insane if you vote against the way I think you should vote”, a mindset that has spread like wildfire and to the extremes of both sides of the aisle, is a bigger problem to the United States than anything. This is why anyone iI vote for in the future is going to be a moderate from either side.
  10. On this one for me it’s a lot less about policy and more about getting away from the extremes. Of the supposed leading candidates on both tickets, I can’t see myself voting for either one. Beyond the question, down the ticket, I’m happy to fill a very split ticket full of moderate candidates. Most of the time I vote an R over a D, I’d say over time probably a 60-30 clip, but anyone “MAGA” will be automatically voted against. In fact that is it appears the only vote I would have for president. If it’s trump for R, and it looks like it may be close, I will vote whoever the D is. Policies can be changed every four years at the stroke of a pen. We’ve seen it time and time again. Trumps policies, at least the ones that were favorable to America, were all the work of other people, who by the way would never work for him again. A Trump return to the presidency, I don’t even want to think about it. So if I thought it were close, I would vote directly against him, whomever. Which, it should be said, is the first time I would be doing that. I’ve left that spot blank on two occasions.
  11. Ehhhh I’m committed to a self rule of no medicine until you have your shit done for the day. Will have the smoke rolling for the Shrimp a la Rasta about noon. No neighbors, unfortunately in a situation where we can’t really have ‘outsiders’.
  12. Y’all don’t even wanna know what the Rasta is up to today
  13. Well, actually…. I was, after posting, just sitting on the dock with a little smoke. Now I’m gonna sit in the pool and watch TV. @Husker_Du I’ll do you a solid and throw on a news channel. What would you suggest?
  14. It hurts doesn’t it Bye Felicia
  15. More evidence of your douchebaggery (you’re making this too easy, I’m losing interest) You praise on a guy like Tucker, even crying ‘why do you guys want him to fail!’, because of his number numbers numbers! But then in the next breath Steve Harvey sucks, when he’s made more money than you and I will ever dream, solely because of people enjoying watching him. My advice to you, the next time you get a break from overlooking the flower bed, is read up on what Tucker Carlson has done for people, and what Steve Harvey has done for people.
  16. He fired those individuals because they mocked his failures in their internal company communications. He did? can you show me where this is confirmed? b/c i read it was b/c of a bloated payroll. >But were you not just talking shit about people just believing what they read?? . Douchebag
  17. You have to keep reading. Don’t jump so quickly. Again, those emotions. If you don’t want people bringing up you look like Shrek and Fiona’s infant, don’t start a thread calling them out specifically to start the name calling game. Unlocked doors get opened. And finally, I don’t cook with recipies, I cook with my emotions of the day Right now I’m feeling like a prime rib
  18. Based on the court documents that he lies, and his bosses who helped him lie stating he and they are not to be taken seriously. Based on his own admissions of not believing in the bullshit he spews because he knows people will believe and he, like those people, believe the ‘numbers’ are the end all be all of their prevalence….or in their minds…their ‘manhood’. And I don’t mean that as offense to you personally, not to worry, there are thousands more just like you And mostly, because he doesn’t care who or what all of the above destroys. One does not have to watch ‘MSM’ to collect that information. You know that. But you just can’t help but to fire away at the keyboard. It’s okay. Like I said, you’re not particular. There’s thousands more just like you.
  19. I’m going to have to ask you to point out where I put Tucker in any kind of heiarchy or best to worst, let alone the definitive spot of ‘worst’. I’m sorry, I don’t recall us having that conversation.
  20. I honestly don’t watch any news shows, except for the locals on a very occasional morning, TV or online. My TV watching is basically movies, documentaries, and Steve Harvey And stop talking tough behind a keyboard. You’re not accomplishing what you think you are. You’re as intimidating as those little guys guarding the front lawn landscaping. Just talk.
  21. Thesis….hmmm…. My personal opinion is that he is a piece of shit horrible example of a human being. I’ll try to come up with something a little more clear in the meantime.
  22. I’m not going to pretend to know the inner workings of their business, let alone act like I was in the offices everyday and know what their staff did or did not bring in value to the company. But I will pretend to know that the company is now worth 1/3 of its valuation at the time he made all of these ingenious moves. So I know I’d have his back ALL DAY LONG
  23. And I have to wonder how many of those actual views are people just stopping in to see what kind of bullshit he is spewing.
  24. Yes, we remember. There was evidence as soon as it happened. Not confirmed until they find what’s left of the ship. Which when they did they announced it official.
  25. Is 3.5 grams the amount that was found?
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