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Le duke

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Everything posted by Le duke

  1. If Michigan could pick up Feldkamp, I think they beat Iowa in a dual. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I didn't think Messenbrink would beat Haines, when he was at Cal Baptist. Which works out quite well for me now, doesn't it? Re: their Junior WTT results, I *believe* I said that I would expect a different result if they were both fresh; I think I said Haines would take a match or win. I may be wrong on that, though. Either way, as a PSU fan I'm pretty pumped to have what I anticipate being a massive one-two punch at 157-165, provided nobody takes a RS/OLY RS.
  3. I think Messenbrink could beat both Amine and Griffith (particularly regular-season Griffith) at 165. Is he an underdog, as he has limited college results at this point? Absolutely. But, I was confident in Haines, too. To the point that ol'@nhs67 started calling me Mrs. Haines.
  4. Yes, I believe that Howard, if healthy, COULD win. Also, I don't know what to make of the second part; am I supposed to say that I'd take Cam Amine or Shane Griffith over 3x NCAA champion Carter Starocci? No, I'd take Starocci every day of the week. I'd take Yazdani over Brooks, likely by tech.
  5. But Cannon is going 141, so I'm not sure why you are comparing him to Nagao. I'll go with NCAA third placer Beau Bartlett over Cannon, and Nagao over Ragusin.
  6. Bumping? If Griffith transfers in to Michigan, it’s not “absurd” to think that either Griffith or Amine bump up to 174. Carrying your statement to its logical conclusion, in the Griffith transfer scenario, you think that either Amine or Griffith goes 165, no one bumps up to 174, and one of them rides the pine for the year? Sorry, THAT is absurd. So, yes, Griffith at 165 is their most likely win. Griffith at 174 is a very likely loss. After that, DeAugustino. They wouldn’t be favored in any other match besides 125 or 165. https://www.wrestlestat.com/compare/dual/60/penn-state/40/michigan Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Perhaps Mike can provide a second-by-second breakdown of her matches. Shouldn’t take long. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Undefeated, but I said Michigan wins one match, maybe two. Hmmm. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I just watched it again. With a stopwatch. Zahid spent over 90 seconds of a 6 minute match on his knees. That’s pathetic. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Howard could make it interesting, and possibly win, at 125. Griffith would be a favorite over Facundo and likely Messenbrink at 165 on paper at this point. Amine would keep it to a single TD against Starocci, but he’s not winning that, ever. But if they keep Amine at 165 and bump Griffith, I think it’s a clean sweep from 133 through 285 for PSU. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I haven't watch a lot of Zahid's international matches, but, does he wrestle from his knees like this against European wrestlers? Seems like that's pretty negative wrestling and could be considered "avoiding the hold" or whatever the official term is.
  12. There’s a scenario where it *could* happen. Wrestler A scores 10 points but wrestler B is about to get a reversal when Wrestler A is injured. They’d put Wrestler A down and let Wrestler B go to work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Here you go. Start at 18:00. Some of the craziest shit I’ve heard a coach of high level athletes say. Parents, this is why you don’t send your kids to Iowa. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Pardon me. I should have clarified. He believes that peaking is a mindset. And that you should be better every week. As opposed to the planning of structured training to deliver a physically ready and optimized athlete for the most important period of their college season, the NCAA tournament. Structured training which should, if done correct, result in training overload and then recovery periods. Making it, quite literally, impossible for you to be better every week.
  15. Tyler Kasak (wearing Levi Haines' singlet) beat Vince Cornella, the #7 seed from NCAAs, to advance to the U20 65kg finals. DT was his corner man. I anticipate a RS and then a log jam at 133-141-149 for Penn State with three AAs at those weights in Nagao, BB and SVN, who have three, two and three years of eligibility left, respectively. He could take both an OLY and a regular RS, if he wanted to, to let Bartlett graduate and the weight open up.
  16. The 2kg spreads from 55 to 57 to 59kg have always bothered me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Periodized training at PSU vs a constant, brutal grind at Iowa. Tom Brands is on record saying he doesn’t believe in peaking, with college athletes. Which is one of the craziest things I’ve heard from a Brands. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. This is the story: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. He had the best individual performance of NCAAs, IMO. Didn’t rack up massive bonus but his wins over Hidlay and Keckeisen should have raised eyebrows. Neither came anywhere close to scoring on him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Again: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Won’t be WTT for 79, 86 or 97. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Zahid’s body composition doesn’t look great. The weight he’s put on to grow into 86kg doesn’t appear to be all muscle. When you combine that with an already suspect gas tank, that’s not a good situation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Zahid looks like he’s in worse shape than last year when he got smashed by DT. Which takes some doing. Also not a good game plan when going up against a guy who was chosen by DT to replicate Yazdani. Brutal underhook and PACE. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. How is Zahid not hit multiple times for passivity? Great win for Brooks. Zahid can’t wrestle more than 3 minutes against someone who actually wrestled hard. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. IMar at his best would lose to this version of Nolf. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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