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Le duke

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Everything posted by Le duke

  1. Given that he'll be the biggest of the three and David Carr will graduate/run out of eligibility after the 23-24 season, I'd assume it's the first option.
  2. That would be a pretty significant downgrade for him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I can assure you that this is not true. It’s actually wildly, hilariously wrong. I hope this person is not providing paid legal counsel to anyone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Better question: Was Penn State robbed of a title in 2020? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Paddy Gallagher lost to Terrell Barraclaugh this weekend. Twice. 5-1 and 12-6. Barraclough is the 157lb backup for PSU who has a hard time scoring on B1G 157lb starters. Put Sasso up there and you get AA points at 141, 149, 157 and 174. If you don't, you only AA at 141, 149 and 174. I would think that tOSU would get more overall points out of the former lineup, rather than the latter. Bump everyone up and get Mendez into the lineup at 141. I think Kharchla scores more at 174 than he does at 165, but that's not a lot, either way.
  6. I’m a fan of Nick Lee, Penn State and NLWC, so it pains me to say that Matt Lee should seriously consider transferring. He could easily start at a school like Indiana or Purdue. Looked great against Ramirez. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Only if Keegan wins the 3rd place match at 74kg. Brooks gets the spot automatically as he’s 2nd, at worst. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Kasak vs Jesse Mendez now. 3-2 Mendez with a minute left. Kasak with the only takedown. Kasak now winning 3-3 on criteria. Mendez scores a point in the last two seconds. Didn’t see it. Argh. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Lilledahl beats Spratley 9-4 in match 1. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. The scenario he described in the post you quoted literally happened last year, as described above. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Might want to double check that statement. Examine February 3rd, 2023. https://www.wrestlestat.com/wrestler/72657/haines-levi/profile The original statement wanted to know about a #10 recruit (or, >#10, in this case) who majored a #1 recruit two years later. This is that exact scenario. He was #12 when he committed and beat the tar out of Gallagher, a #1, two seasons later.
  12. He was #12 per Intermat when he committed and beat the tar out of #1 Paddy Gallagher at the PSU-tOSU dual, 14-2.
  13. I was waiting for a picture of Bo spladle-ing Sammy Brooks in the middle of Carver, but this will suffice.
  14. WrestleStat is usually pretty damn good.
  15. I believe that was the case with several schools that were pursuing him. @Husker_Du, care to chime in?
  16. Ferrari's sister did some victim blaming on Twitter when the charges against AJ were announced.
  17. If TNT had just pursued Angelo and kindly told Anthony (and AJ) to ***duck duck goose** right off, that would be a good coaching decision. I would respect the hell out of them for that. The hard right over the easy wrong. Angelo, to this point, hasn't done anything to sully his own good name. Until he does anything bad, he's a good kid trying to make it in the world. Unfortunately for him, his family is along for the ride and I fear that they will not let him succeed.
  18. Also, if you think that Ferrari and Sealey were the same weight at WNO, I have some ocean front property in New Mexico I'd like to show you.
  19. Willie has said multiple times that there's no way he makes 197 again, so, while he could wrestle at Iowa, he'd be at HWT after Cass graduates.
  20. You enjoy that Ferrari-cancer as it metastasizes.
  21. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when he put the Iowa hat on. I was absolutely aghast when he pulled out the PSU hat.
  22. Fidelity? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Sedition isn’t a minor misdemeanor, chief. As a person who yearns for previous centuries, you must surely recognize that “back on the day” these people would’ve been rounded up and hung from the neck until dead, right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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