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Le duke

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Le duke last won the day on February 8

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  1. Very limited chances for reversal-to-back for Bouzakis. Well done.
  2. Originally, Ono was only going to be in town from January to March. Which would be fine for a tourist (90 days) visa. At the very least, this implies that he's staying longer than originally planned.
  3. I just noticed that ASU only has 3 qualifiers. That is...not good.
  4. Not entirely true. Before, it said, "Member", which is what NLWC, faculty and staff members have.
  5. As of today? 100%.
  6. And an opening at 285 with Luffman graduating. Plus, their three other 285s were a combined 0-3 on the year. (And it’s a better school) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Imagine pulling this guy’s bio from the Arlington page and inserting DEI into the URL. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Calvin_Rogers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I respect the intensity that TnT still bring to their coaching.
  9. Winning is slimming?
  10. 45 did it, too, dog. An 8 year old.
  11. I support detaining them, charging them, trying them and punishing them to the fullest extent of the law.
  12. These people are on US soil. If they are so dangerous, why are they not being tried and sent to prison, as opposed to being released in a country with questionable ability to keep them detained? You're actively arguing that the president gets to supersede our legal system. Tell me, where does that end, in your eyes? Let's take it to the obvious, not-so-absurd conclusion: Can the president have US citizens on US soil killed? Can he have them imprisoned without trial? Can he have them deported?
  13. The correct response is: they have an immigration hearing with an immigration judge and legal counsel, and if found to be lacking, are deported. You know, as the law requires.
  14. So, he doesn't have to be tried in a criminal court? The president can just declare anyone he wants a terrorist, and have them deported, imprisoned, killed?
  15. How do you know they were in the country illegally?
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