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About Ragu

  • Birthday September 27

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State Placer

State Placer (7/14)

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  1. He is a former national champion and has even better freestyle chops. He’s going to get big money
  2. Andrew Alirez will transfer out I bet
  3. Cornell with 10 in Philly
  4. Are the victims almost locks to get the at larges or are there others at play
  5. Previous statements redacted. Does Hendrickson have a chance?
  6. 125 LL 133 Ayala 141 VV 149 Lovett 157 Kasak 165 MM 174 Haines 184 Starocci 197 Cardenas 285 Gable I am going the rare triple alliteration prediction
  7. That’s 5
  8. Would love to see the betting odds. But call me crazy, its a three horse race this year and it’s close
  9. Yup
  10. Is this top 3 the best top 3 we’ve ever seen for this weight? Glad to alive around such talent
  11. I hope I am incorrect
  12. Is it a ridiculous statement to say that Psu has a higher chance of 10aas than losing the tournament?
  13. I’m basing all further arguments and points of data upon the Pablo rankings system and I urge you all to follow suit
  14. You don’t figure a school like LIU or SHU will drop?
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