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Everything posted by Rassling

  1. Sorry I couldn’t hold a candle to him, or you for that matter
  2. Come on ionel - please stop with that crap. It’s getting old man.
  3. Should be very interesting tonight!
  4. Tbar was one of my favorites.
  5. Could it be another 20 second double under hook throw / pin by Gomez via 2022 Big10 semis?
  6. Who is your pick to win?
  7. I honestly believe Carter was performing at 50-75% due to sort of illness? Just not sure. Same with Woods. He may have been ill because he too did not look the same - at all. Tonight Woods is going out pissed and Beau will have his hands full. My favorite match to watch!
  8. Why not ask your buddies over at Flo I’d like to see this video as well.
  9. This is the only match I’m not too sure about tonight. If Bartlett wrestles like he did last week he’ll be stalled out in carver. If woods wrestles like last week who knows.
  10. Contributor to Jimmy’s rescue? Lol, you got to be kidding me. He clearly doesn’t need any help from me! From my observation, he handles himself quite well by contributing all he wants while ignoring the jealous ankle-biters. Meanwhile the replies he gets to his threads continues to grow into multi-pages replies by the very individuals who want him to leave.
  11. now that was so much fun to watch I watched it multiple times just to see the pin and hear the announcer say "what's going on here"
  12. Everyone else contributes with one of their own but here we have one “contributor” motivated to comment on someone else’s suggestion. Come on Idaho, I know you can certainly come up with one of your own. Think harder- I know you can do it sir.
  13. Just like America - this board is clearly out of fresh new ideas for improvement and advancement.
  14. AC DC Thunderstruck
  15. I’m really appreciative of the way BIG 10 is representing the sports of all sports!
  16. And I believe he could beat Ayala
  17. Incredible even with the absence of Van Ness!
  18. Add to that (for me) Spencer Lee. I never liked how he was managed for a host of reasons.
  19. one of the things I like about this board is it provides breaking info I don't have the time nor desire to look up myself. Rarely do they get things wrong because most of it comes from reputable sites. In this case it could be here say. Lets hope it was and Friday night produces all the matches we expect!
  20. what a beautiful post! I especially like what you said about Terry "having a penchant for wanting to help the kid who is down on his luck and/or incapable of totally controlling himself" After reading that I quickly thought of Tom (I believe) who drove from Iowa to PA to try and convince Kemmerer not to leave the team, how they rallied around Brandon Sorenson to name a few. I know these guys have good hearts which is why I still root for them on occasion. I personally love comeback stories involving those with challenges (Desanto) others might not experience. Marsteller comes to mind - so happy to see his success. I just feel its time for someone else to take over the reins at IA.
  21. seems like a lot of the big matches throughout the country are taking place - lets keep that ball rolling!
  22. Disappointing if true
  23. Admittingly I'm far from educated as some of you, however I do love the sport like all of you. Leave the guy alone. Some of us like him. You don't like him, block him. Its as simple as that.
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