Woods looks healthy. And he looks tough. Didn’t know he is going to medical school. I think it always nice to learn a few things about these wrestlers off the mat.
FanofPurdueWrestling <—now heres a PASSIONATE man about the worlds greatest sport! Perhaps Shane Sparks could get you a position with Big10! You have my vote!
That would be a great Fan - seeing some videos of their studs would be great. Go ahead start a thread some day and let’s see if it attracts some new blood.
I'll never forget how I felt when Joe Dubuque beat Troy Nickerson in the NCAA finals back in the day. As a former NYer now in PA we watched Nickerson win all 5 NY state championships - first to ever do it. I recall him being humble and far from cocky while signing autographs for the youth. Coach Troy has NYer Stevo Poulin under his wing and I'm enjoying watching him slowly move up the rankings.
“Mindset is what separates the champions at NCAA level, not wrestling”
One of my favorites phrases is “where the mind goes the body follows” Nothing like a confident wrestler with the skills to back it up.
Tree sloths only come down from a tree to defalcate. Looks like he’s on his way back up to the tree tops after a nice productive dump. Thanks for sharing!