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Everything posted by Rassling

  1. wow I didnt know he wrestled!
  2. Shane Sparks LOVES this sport and we need 100 more of him to elevate this sport to a level we all know it deserves.
  3. Deans tearful interview teared me up too - damn! Reminds me of the James English interview - that one got me too!
  4. I really want him to do it, not just for himself and those around him - but for the sport itself. Being humble during a crisis situation builds character. He has a huge opportunity to put the loss and what it means behind him and be better for it. I hope he does just that.
  5. "Excuses are for WOOSIES" How applicable. All kidding aside - I think about the 100's if not 1000's of youth who look up to him. How are they processing him not showing up today? Even if he can not walk - you get your "team mates" to lift you up and place you on the Iowa bench as a show of support for your "team mates." There still is time for him to do the right thing before the day is over. Do it Spencer - if not for yourself but for those who supported you including your coach, team mates, fans, friends and family too! I'll be the first to commend you and I'm sure you be blown away over how many others will do the same around the nation.
  6. WTF????? Spencer quits on his team and fans, and medically forfeits the rest of the tournament - you're dam* right he should be called out for it by this broadcast and every other one from one coast to the other and everything in between.
  7. I bet Ayala’s mom now feels vindicated for her take on “selfish Spencer”
  8. Van Ness with the win!
  9. Penn just clinched it AGAIN with the dominant performance by Bartlett. Congrats PSU!
  10. man Nagao is going to be a force to reckon with in the future!
  11. I truly hope thats not the case. In the business world - you place the company first, not yourself. In sports, you place the team first - not just you or your emotions. You suck it up, especially at this level - and you go out in style with gratitude and appreciation for those around you who helped you all along the way. Thats the right thing to do and the mature thing to do. Again - I hope he shows up for the medal so Spencer can see just what he meant to everyone including the fans.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if he chooses not to stand on the podium for 6th place.
  13. I wonder how attractive Iowa will be to those graduating from HS after this. Just an observation.
  14. I suspect he will be quickly forgotten for this ill advised decision. Huge mistake and a terrible way to end a successful career
  15. For me - I will not miss him at all. Its time for others to take on the 125 lb leadership role. Sorry but I never bought into the Goat crap and everything else associated with an individual with limited one trick pony / offensive moves and questionable defense against those able to hang with him.
  16. I recall the Flo / Brands movie where Terry Brands ran out of the arena and tried to climb over a fence after his Olympic loss to Kendall Cross. I believe it was Terry who recruited Spencer Lee. Perhaps it will be Terry who can relate best to Spencer during this really tough time. Lets hope he returns to the mat to finish his career.
  17. has to be Yianni D if he gets 4
  18. does lee med forfeit out rest of the event - possibility?
  19. seriously - I honestly feel the same. His commentary is dull as is his interviewing skills. I hope Daniel Cormier shows up again for the finals tomorrow night. He was great last year!
  20. I don't think he gave up at all. He simply blew out his lungs trying to defeat a more determined Haines.
  21. Sebastian will always be one of my favorite wrestlers. I wanted him to win bad his last year. He and Gomez are tough as nails.
  22. Parris is clearly a man on a mission.
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