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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. Ryan Bennet (STED) to Illinois.
  2. This post should win for the day. I mean really...
  3. I predicted OKST...
  4. That checks out.
  5. I'm not arguing it is...
  6. Sorry. That was my poor attempt to be funny.
  7. Lost to Andre Gonzales and Kase Mauger and to Brady Koontz. It's early but that's a rough weekend...
  8. I have high hopes for him...
  9. Why is RSing bad? What are the reasons it's bad? Beside the fact that some folks just disagree or don't like it...
  10. You had fifteen minutes...
  11. My mistake. I didn't know what you thought last year...
  12. The kid is 2-1 with a loss to Carr...
  13. I'm not knocking Byrd. He's one of my favorites. I don't root against him.
  14. Notable? Eh' perhaps...
  15. Iran 5 Azerbaijan 5. Iran wins Gold.
  16. I'm 25+yrs in. I'm interested to hear your thoughts...
  17. If you bought FLO you have Track. I've never bought Track, yet I have it as a FLO subscriber...
  18. Nothing to consider. Zero. He's in the class of 2026. Correct...
  19. Shapiro 17-2. Almost 5 minutes of RT.
  20. Agreed. Even losing 17-2 he somehow didn't look bad. You can tell he's just a kid. He is super funky.
  21. Indeed. Yet we learn...
  22. If you know how to use it, it's fine. If you don't, it's frustrating.
  23. It's not you...
  24. Folks are eager to do away with stuff that has no bearing in their lives...
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