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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. Irish whiskey aged in Spanish oak. You're boujee...
  2. Two weeks in a row though... Sammy & Smith. I'm all for getting them out of the way now.
  3. There was a time when the World Cup was a bigger deal than it is now. I don't say that because of our lineup. No issues with who's wrestling. I didn't expect Gilman, Dake or Taylor to be there.
  4. No, no. I meant why folks don't get it. I wasn't critiquing. Apologies if it came off that way.
  5. This. It's for the supporters not for starters. It surprises that folks get so twisted about it.
  6. I would think someone would be embarrassed. Yet here we are. The same train wreck as yesterday.
  7. Nick Lee down 8-4 to Aiden KAZA 2nd period. Nick Lee wins 18-8
  8. Richards and Manchio have wrestled three matches on mat two...
  9. Malik 17-4 Looked great. Mendez 12-2 Solid. Decatur 3-1 Looked good. Reeves Lost 7-4 Got an escape and a td. Paddy 11-4 Looked good. Kharchla 6-3 Took a knock early. Controlled a 6-3 win. Smith lost 8-6 and looked dreadful. @nhs67I hope you don't see this match. Romero 22-6 Looked great. Hoffman 27-8 Looked really good. Orndorff Got a fall. Looked like an assassin. If so, he's got a new nickname. Buckeyes win 33-6.
  10. I'm not posting any yard pics until we get another sub forum; Grass and Ass. WKN should get to be the moderator. Carry on...
  11. The issue isn't with the tournament. Plenty of high level wrestlers competing.
  12. Minutes before they started they were still trying to find someone who could run the clock/score etc. Literally minutes.
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