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Everything posted by MPhillips

  1. You say Tervel I'm inclined to say Roselli...
  2. OSU has had possibly the best recruiting classes in the last 10-15yrs. When Ryan goes it will be Jaggers. There will be no change... Sasso is not what OSU needs as an assistant... There is nothing confusing about it really. Paddy doesn't have it. Kharch is done. It's time for Kilkeary. Davino is going to get his chance. Bouzakis is comparable to Paddy at this point. Hepner and Geog are done. Shumate had an up year. Feldman can't get bigger or faster, he's stuck. D'Emilio had a nice career and will be missed. Hopefully Welsh doesn't, "up and split" to OKST. Cannon was great at the end of the season. Looking forward to the new guys and hopefully Kilkeary, Davino, Welsh, Birden, Cannon... Fifth place with what OSU had doesn't seem to terrible, but I believe they've looked pretty stale for some time. I also fully agree with the little effort OTC is making. Why even have it...
  3. No. Captain America is taken...
  4. @ugarles & Not creative Agreed. 4xAA and 4x B1G champion I believe. Real bad example on my part.
  5. Same with Marinelli and quite a few others...
  6. Fly? Hello? Fly...
  7. I already mentioned Hepner, Geog, Bouzakis.
  8. 125: Kilkeary beats McCrone or portals. 133: Davino 141: Bouzakis if he stays. I believe he goes to PITT. 149: Mendez needs to start moving up for the 65kg FS weight. 157: Cannon 165: Birden/Chase 174: Welsh if he stays 184: Rocco 197: Shumate HWT: Feldman-No RS is going to help him get longer. He's already strong. Gonzales, Hepner, Geog I figure are all portal guys unless they don't want to wrestle.
  9. You have become my favorite character here in less than 24 hrs...
  10. I'm not accusing. To be fair Kasak had this acne all season didn't he?
  11. DI vs the lower divisions is a pretty different environment.
  12. Couldn't randomly choose a regular starter 22 times...
  13. Evil Villain standing on the mat. Here come the Great American Hero wrapped in an American flag. Evil Villain doesn't make way for the American flag draped underdog. Crowd boo's. Tension builds. Greatest American Hero upsets evil champion. Camera pans to President and then to Hero and then to an All American family in tears over the All American goodness that this represents. Hero salutes President. President hugs American flag draped hero who just defeated evil and then the President whispers in his ear, "Thank you, 'Old Shoe'." Wag the Dog
  14. @Wrestleknownothingwill have the complete stats. Give him a chance...
  15. Living a movie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wag_the_Dog
  16. Seems like a pretty solid start...
  17. I believe I just watched, 'Wag the Dog'
  18. So do I...
  19. Dime bag...
  20. D'Emilio
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