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MNRodent last won the day on December 1 2024

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  1. UR Sam Cartella, Northwestern over #11 Kannon Webster, Ill
  2. Well, take off the last part of my quote and just leave it as "He had the flu". The Gophers scratched 13 guys at the last minute. If they had the same bug I had that week, I wouldn't have considered getting out of my chair, let alone wrestling in an unnecessary open tournament.
  3. He had the flu. You don't want a guy taking his first college loss at an open tournament when he's sick.
  4. Whittmer, Mena, Ironside was a pretty salty 1-2-3 back in 1997. Finished 1st 2nd 1st.
  5. Gophers use some of their former star wrestlers, Mack Reiter and others, for home Big Ten duals.
  6. It looked like Whiting mouthed to Eggum not to throw the brick, as if he knew he did it.
  7. It doesn't bother me. Sometimes kind of funny...fist to the back, etc. You can always turn the sound off. I'm old enough to remember when the only option to watch high caliber wrestling was to drive for half a day and pay for gas, admission, food, lodging.
  8. Google is telling me that the 2nd criteria is most pins, which Maryland had (1). The announcers thought that it was total individual points scored.
  9. Maryland twitter is claiming the victory.
  10. Maryland wins it on criteria 19(18)-18.
  11. This one is going down to the wire. Maryland leading 18-10 going into the 197 match. Can the Turtles pull off a huge upset?!
  12. Lots of great matchups!
  13. This did happen in the early 80's. Although, I seem to remember mostly t-shirts, not polos.
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