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MNRodent last won the day on December 1 2024

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NCAA Qualifier

NCAA Qualifier (11/14)

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  1. Sexy time for Byrd.
  2. Bono's seat has cooled a few degrees with freshman Fugitt becoming an AA.
  3. Growing the sport, one headstand splits at a time.
  4. Do they get a pound per day?
  5. He seems about about one train car short of a full-fledged crazy train.
  6. Kind of a log jam with Swiderski, Johnson, and Chittum. Plus, I could see one or more of the Frost bros needing to move up.
  7. Brutal first round for my crew, with only 2 wins.
  8. Tom Brands typically has a better haircut than his unkempt brother. Chris Bono has nicely shined shoes. Tom Ryan can show discuss with officials by body language alone.
  9. 125 Cooper Flynn (19) 133 Jacob Van Dee (17) 141 Josh Edmond (23) 149 Jaden Abas (17) 157 Trevor Chumbley (20) 165 Noah Mulvaney (17) 174 Clayton Whiting (28) 184 Ryder Rogotzke (26) 197 Nick Stemmet (17) Hwt Jake Andrews (17)
  10. There are tiers to being blue bloods in wrestling.... True Blue: Oklahoma State, Iowa, Penn State (double digits in titles). Kinda Blue: Minnesota, Iowa State, Ohio State, maybe Oklahoma. (have a title or two and many decades of being good). Light Bluish: Michigan, Arizona State, Cornell, Nebraska (1 or less titles and good for a long time).
  11. Tommy Askey beat #2 ranked Jacori Teemer and #5 Ethan Miller (1 seed) in the same tournament and still only placed 5th. Welcome to the Big Ten tournament!
  12. He was limping after the previous flurry in which Salazar tended to his poked eye. Then he collapsed real quick when Salazar grabbed a single.
  13. True freshmen teammates at Minny, Vombaur and Jamison both knock off top guys.
  14. Vance Vombaur, Minnesota over Beau Bartlett, Penn State.
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