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Everything posted by forkemaz

  1. You can blame the refs. Theyre enforcing a rule set. An awful rule set. A subjective rule set. I blame the rule set. And thusly the style.
  2. Freestyle is a trash ruleset transition and kill the american wrestling fan base.
  3. I didnt say it doesnt work. I didnt say people dont have trouble paying attention. Teachers wanted to put me on the shit. I think we are all masters of our own minds. There is more evidence of monks controlling their brain through meditation than there is of the "adhd brain". Its a lack of discipline and training your own mind. Its a short cut. And its a banned substance. I, like you, experimented a time or two. Its insanely powerful stuff. But i chose a different route ultimately. And i didnt say that stuff he changed my quote because hes a snake who doesnt want to engage in a real conversation.
  4. Cute. How do they diagnose adhd again? Oh the teacher wants young timmy to sit still and he doesnt listen? Drug him. Oh you think you have adhd lets have you do a self assesment survey. Any bio metrics? Any brain scans? Nope. Give them the drugs and take the money. Also what kind of snake injects other illnesses and issues into someones opinon like that. Another straw man.
  5. No my point from the beginning is that these drugs are performace enhancing and that is in fact what they are designed to do. They are also on the banned list for that very reason. I will not read your post and adress the straw man. You, yourself, beleive the drug is designed to increase mental performance. We are done here.
  6. Ive lived with multiple. Ive asked their opinion on this very subject. They say it shouldnt be allowed. And its not. For a reason. So you keep pushing your opinion.... Oh and just about anyone can get a script. And adhd is fake but thats besides the point. Ive asked people who are life time users and ive consulted the rules. It aint allowed.
  7. It 100% is a PED and a perscrption shouldnt mean shit. It wouldnt for medical marijuana. And it shouldnt for something that will actually help in a sport.
  8. Disgusting. Well it would be, if god hadnt personally told Cael to do it of course.
  9. Ok? How is that relevant to this situation at all? Carter was calling out DT for something the leader of his team did himself. While your information is correct it has no place in this conversation.
  10. His team is literally run by a guy who gave up loyalty to coach at PSU....
  11. Wow. You don't even know the history. The answer to your question is not one side or the other. Go educate yourself from ww1 on and come back. If you think the zionists never broke a cease fire you're as dumb as the cartoon meme you post.
  12. Posting cartoon propaganda and then insulting other people's intelligence is rich.
  13. You come off so biased here towards the end its hard to take you seriously. Yes accidentally getting tangled in a singlet happens, probably more so if you're fingers are taped. To say it never accidentally happens is pretty stupid in my opinion.
  14. Tom Ryan is my favorite Coach in D1 wrestling. His family has already been through so much. I hope and pray that he will be ok.
  15. Good idea to not address why... you think it's the schools... it's not.
  16. This is the absolute pinnacle of American international wrestling styles. The tournament has all the biggest names and competitors, if it can't hold their attention that's on the they styles and presentation. Why are you even mentioning folkstyle or ncaa? It has nothing to do with this. If anything the collegiate style is the only reason these guys have any name recognition at all. Without it there would be even less viewers. And if you'd like to get into it many of these people came over for the ncaa finals and loved it. So what's the issue?
  17. I know this thread is for GR but I think you are right about FS. Ditch the shot clock which very often decides matches and give the active guy a chance on top. Let the wrestlers score the points.
  18. He wasn't asked and you just keep saying it like it's true. I'm done with you. He was asked once not twice. Directly after the match he was not asked and continued to talk about himself. Don't @ me again. You don't even know what you're talking about.
  19. Why would you have new people watch a tournament full of all the best American wrestlers? Gee I dunno.
  20. Lmao, sure. Keep telling yourself that. Folkstyle, sumo,..............................MFS, WFS, GR
  21. Boring but fixable in my opinion. Of course people would hate how I would try to fix it and thus my opinion but that's about how it goes here.
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