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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. Horse shit. I tried to keep it brief for you, also.
  2. His son is joining the team.
  3. Sure. Maybe drowned like witches.
  4. Condescend much?
  5. T’was a comparison between the prosecution of minor misdemeanor offenses and vile felonious assault.
  6. Is he good at getting out from bottom? I swear, it looked like Carter taught Fix how to get ridden.
  7. They’ve got it all covered. More of that dim science - down is up.
  8. In a frantic maneuver to offset an underwhelming start to Ron DeSantis’s presidential campaign, billionaire Elon Musk has tasked his neural implant startup Neuralink with inserting charisma into DeSantis’s brain. Thus far, the upstart tech company’s work has focused on brain-machine interfaces, with the goal of allowing quadriplegics to move artificial limbs or interact with computers. But the DeSantis Initiative, as company staff call it, is entirely different: an unprecedented effort to use brain chips to make a person less machine-like. https://www.revolver.news/2023/05/elon-musk-uses-neuralink-to-insert-charisma-into-ron-desantis/
  9. If you’re talking about war when you’re outta bullets. And the way it gets promoted. It ain’t just for rich kids.
  10. Then there’s the interest in MMA.
  11. Isn’t greco wrestling pretty much confined to kids whose parents have knowledge of it, interest in it, and enough time and money to train and compete in a club sport, that has little coverage or interest? It gets little coverage or interest at its highest level - the Olympics.
  12. Truth Democracy Decency Virtue just the first ones that popped up. and whistleblowers
  13. He appears to have the most wonderful natural instincts for wrestling, the things that you can’t really coach.
  14. I can’t describe my anger.
  15. The Interstate Highway System was not designed for civilian use, it was Eisenhower’s idea for military benefit based on Germany’s roads. The trucks don’t get by with just paying the fuel tax at the pump, they have to file a form for every gallon they buy and pay the tax directly to government. Bitch about the trucks all you want, but without them you wouldn’t have a car or gas to put in it, no clothes to wear, no house or anything in it, and no electricity or water. Nothing but dirt. If you’re driving be thankful for the trucks and courteous to the drivers, they’re working for you. Trump didn’t go to a prep school, he went to a military academy - he understands the military. He understands discipline. You want to compare him to biden? Lok at their kids. Trump’s are impressive, business minded, and prosperous. Biden’s are not. It is said that he is considering recognizing Hunter’s illegitimate daughter, though. She’s getting old enough to start taking showers with.
  16. Molotov cocktail-tossing lawyer sentenced to 15 months for torching NYPD car https://nypost.com/2022/11/18/molotov-cocktail-tossing-urooj-rahman-gets-15-months-for-torching-nypd-car/
  17. I’ll concede to “our tax dollars going to defense contractors,” but as to big oil or pharmaceuticals, I have no knowledge of them or rarely any companies, trucking especially, getting checks from the government. What most people term “corporate welfare” are tax breaks for doing business in a certain way. Corporate officers all go to the same schools that teach the same pricing formulas so that if you raise their taxes, they just raise the price to the customer. Corporations don’t pay taxes. If an oil company gets to pay less corporate tax it benefits the poorest of its customers by reducing the price for their products. The rich could afford to pay a lot more. Nobody complains about the obscene profits in “big cosmetics.” I believe the reason a lot of people believe Trump had their interests in mind started out by the way he was able to articulate them in a way that convinced them. Just like how he can step into a crowd of construction, or industrial workers, or military, and seem to be one of them. He relates. Then in office he did and tried to do everything he said he would, and more. While he was in, for the first time any of us can remember, blue collar wages were rising at a faster pace than white collar wages. The Emergency Petroleum Reserve was full, no wars were started, and peace was breaking out everywhere. Everywhere except the New York Times and a few other newsrooms and dimocrat infestations.
  18. If you’re talking about printing money to give it away then that’s inflationary; if you’re talking about income redistribution, it’s not so inflationary, they took money from one person to give some of it to another. Inflation was low and stable when biden was inaugurated. He quickly shut down the Keystone pipeline, drilling, and fracing on federal land. Congress soon imposed elevated fees on federal leases, eliminating profits to the point that investors have gone elsewhere. This had a near immediate impact on the price of everything and it’s still going up no matter what the propagandists say. Just check your grocery bills. We could, and will if the right guy gets elected, reduce inflation to manageable simply by changing our energy policy. It would also help our foreign policy by putting pressure on china and russia. But that doesn’t seem to be the plan for the current guy.
  19. You’re full of a bunch of crock. Simple enough?
  20. There’s lots of valencia’s in California, most of them are orange. Was it said that eight missed weight, or that the scale showed they weighed more than another scale showed?
  21. It’s one of my favorite moves. Are there any noted adverse events attributed to it that displays its dangers?
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