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Offthemat last won the day on September 12

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  1. They think they have enough illegal votes to win, anyway.
  2. I think that’s what this guy is saying: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/09/15/press_professors_and_postmodern_progressivism_151610.html
  3. Anti- Trump comic book In a brazen attempt to brainwash young voters in Pennsylvania, an anti-Trump comic book full of lies about the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot is being sent to every public high school and library in the crucial swing state on the eve of the presidential election. Copies of the first issue of “1/6: A Graphic Novel” will be mailed out this week, according to the Philly Voice, which describes it as “speculative fiction in the vein of The Handmaid’s Tale.” The comic, funded by the left-wing Kettering Foundation, is set in an alternative universe Washington DC in which Trump’s “insurrection” was successful, and authoritarians have taken over the country and begin executing journalists. https://nypost.com/2024/09/15/opinion/striking-a-blow-for-the-whistleblowers-who-exposed-the-bidens/
  4. Reading about the mountain men, it was said that while they prized an elk steak, mountain lion was an absolute delicacy.
  5. Look at the language in the pro-abortion bills. They don’t want any restrictions or guidelines. Even in Europe, abortions after about 15 weeks are strongly regulated.
  6. Impaired thinking might cause one to reflect that pointing out that a hostile media makes no similar claim that Mark Penn is in any way connected to, or working for, Donald Trump, as approval of the media. It’s quite the opposite. It’s saying your own teammates aren’t saying what you say. Mark Penn is a dedicated democrat, but he’s more honest than most.
  7. There are good people on both sides?
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