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Offthemat last won the day on December 9 2024

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  1. I’m sure some would go that route, maybe even duck the entire match.
  2. The ref can call stalemate, but not award points unilaterally.
  3. It will likely be the Penn State team.
  4. Agreed. It’s also my position that the top man can’t stall unless the bottom wrestler is also stalling. My recommendation is that the penalty for stalling is a restart with choice of position to the non-offending wrestler, much like after an injury timeout.
  5. Was there a problem with a lack of scoring in the first period that led to the initiation of the rule?
  6. So it has been tried and rejected?
  7. Quality of competition? Which one defeated an Olympic Gold Medalist?
  8. You’re only speculating. We won’t know how it would affect scoring until or unless it’s tried. It would certainly put emphasis on being the first to get a takedown.
  9. He was attempting to resolve the 0-0 first period issue. I thought it was a dandy tournament. And for all the concern about seeding, especially with 125 & 141, they seemed to have gotten it pretty close.
  10. No, he said it.
  11. I think they decided that this year they’re gonna go by this year’s rules.
  12. Sportsmanship: Wyatt sat out the dual with AF Academy to keep from making his old team look bad. His sub still won the match.
  13. John Smith might have had it right when he advocated for only the first takedown being 3 points.
  14. The only answer is to make stalling a 2 point penalty. /sarc
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