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Everything posted by Perry

  1. Vito
  2. He will be a contender but not the expected guy next year. Imagine it will be his last attempt.
  3. I forget the exact wording of the rule but essentially you can't wrestle with an intent to stop action. So if the ref thinks you're reaching back for a leg on bottom to turtle up and prevent the top man from even working then you can be penalized. Desanto got in trouble for this in another match recently but I can't remember who it was against, sorry. Problem with FS is refs call so many things wildly different sometimes.
  4. Dan gable way too high. No eutake? I'd have him at #2 with dake, stieber, yianni and pat Smith behind him.
  5. I'm well aware it's fake lol but it seemed right in line with the rest of the shit posting in this thread tbh
  6. Is it okay if I just post pics?
  7. 665 pound dead lift baby! Woooo!
  8. I don't think Spencer Lee could place top 4 at 133.
  9. St louis. Every year.
  10. Watching the feed live my wife and I both commented on how many fans were in attendance. Those pictures are of the worst seats by the closed off section. Why post this?
  11. Vito is that guy
  12. Would Lee have been able to last 6 minutes vs suriano last night?
  13. Yes, he did say this. Here's a link to it: https://www.facebook.com/reel/195772416578763?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
  14. He only wanted to wrestle weaker competition.
  15. I honestly feel like Lee doesn't deserve to share a hodge trophy with steveson considering
  16. I already brought up his freestyle wins over Taylor and dake while he was in college. Lee has nothing close to that to brag about.
  17. Times placing 6th at ncaas lee: 1 cox: zero. Not playing hypotheticals on the "covid year". Excuses are for wusses and Lee lost because Ramos was the better wrestler (his words)
  18. Quality of competition matters. Jden was an Olympic and world medalist before he graduated college without taking a redshirt season. He had wins over the likes of David Taylor and Kyle dake in this same time. Who is Lee's best win? Thomasello or suriano? Both good but nowhere near the levels of dake or Taylor and thomasello traded matches with Lee. Lee is great, but not an all timer. Even his placement record is below cox and the others mentioned. Bonusing his way through the Iowa jv open in 4 minutes mostly means nothing.
  19. Below jden cox and Zain Retherford
  20. Tough time for Oklahoma wrestling in general.. osu not fairing too well either these days.
  21. Lee lost to piccinnini
  22. Senior megaludis would defeat freshman and senior Lee for sure. Sophomore Lee is maybe 50/50 and junior Lee is favored but still has a tiny gas tank.
  23. Bassett won 4 to 1
  24. If bo basset had been allowed to wrestle is there anyone in the state that would have given him a good match?
  25. Overall I think the Ironside/kolat match at all star was the best 133# of all time. The very end of ness/Dennis was epic to be sure. Vito vs rby and fix both were up there in recent memory. Steiber/olive is another infamous good one.. 149# will always be metcalf/caldwell to me. 285# steveson vs parris after parris said on social media that he was coming for gable. Steveson absolutely took that personally and it was great. Snyder/gwiz and snyder/coon were two other great ones in the last couple decades that stand put at hvy. Will add more thoughts later
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