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Everything posted by Perry

  1. To me Taylor will forever be below JB and Dake given his record vs the two.
  2. What about the years that Taylor lost to Burroughs, dake, cox? Those certainly have to factor in
  3. Correct, just a bit of a bait and switch moment when you see "challenge won" then watch the score go in the "wrong" direction lol
  4. Thought the same thing. He was determined to go to that no matter what, even when it wasn't there.
  5. Lol dake "won" the challenge and in doing so lost by 3 instead of 1 lol I will admit seeing challenge won had me second guessing things for half a second!
  6. Unbelievable. I thought there was no way Armenia was giving up that lace!
  7. Vito made such massive gains in the last year. So excited for him! World champ!
  8. Dake seemingly wins by 1 but didn't look great again. Japan challenging what seems like nothing.
  9. Hasn't Lee also beating the starter up a weight in Zain semi recently too?
  10. That does seem like a good opportunity for them to interact with the fan base and build trust and understanding in the process. Would not be that hard to implement on social media.
  11. My biggest issue with freestyle is the inconsistencies in rule enforcement. The ref you get assigned makes a bigger difference than it should. Look at grounding calls as another example. They'll give nick Lee a point for a grounded oob and then not call a much more intentional ground at the oob line in the next match. Gives the officials way too much power to determine matches.
  12. Said it in the main final x thread, but given how Jordan "won" match one he kind of deserved the series to come down to a reversed call near the buzzer of match 3 to lose. Karma imo.
  13. He will be a contender but not the expected guy next year. Imagine it will be his last attempt.
  14. I forget the exact wording of the rule but essentially you can't wrestle with an intent to stop action. So if the ref thinks you're reaching back for a leg on bottom to turtle up and prevent the top man from even working then you can be penalized. Desanto got in trouble for this in another match recently but I can't remember who it was against, sorry. Problem with FS is refs call so many things wildly different sometimes.
  15. Dan gable way too high. No eutake? I'd have him at #2 with dake, stieber, yianni and pat Smith behind him.
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