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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. i was involved in a sport where buried our friends with some regularity... wins and losses are not the be all end all...
  2. some people have to put themselves on the line regardless of the outcome... people are different... i will never understand why this is so hard for most to understand... some people plow fields and some people swing axes...
  3. there was a time when this planet did not even have an atmosphere...
  4. are you seriously saying this planet never went through climate change previous to the hairless monkeys?
  5. still hour and half for pre reg left... then can sign up at the tourney... fix will be there... lee? i hope he doesn't and just take the time to heal...
  6. i literally can not tell if this parody or not...
  7. does it feel like a big waste of time now as opposed to the victory some were claiming for the weeks leading up?
  8. 55kg- always light (bum dump tssst)... if nowry signs up he will walk through it... 60kg- nasty again... ildar, roberts, miranda, black, thomsen, moomey, gurule steps up in weight... none of the guys at the pointy end care for each other at all... next year this weight for olympics trials will be bananas with jones coming down... 63kg- couple of interesting things... tuma coming down from 67 and Fuenffinger is back... expect jones to handle his business... 67kg the big story will be joel adams and his coming out party... i would be very surprised if he wins it, but, he is a problem... 72/77/82kg same bracket as per... 87kg- Stefanowicz back for the first time since his olympic birth... vera and carslon with there to say hi... 97kg- rau back... interesting... 130kg- coon back... schultz has had a tough year so far in the poo style and he has never beat coon any way... still waiting on rulon to enter... waiting for attao to get a little more mature and this might just be his weight for years to come... he is only signed up for U20 but just wait... that kid is fun... not your typical heavy wrestler...
  9. shocking that this would begin to look exactly like what it always was...
  10. my favorite was climate change (remember when it used to be called something else) was responsible for childhood obesity because it is too hot to go outside and play... that was a real live article...
  11. what if C-A-T really spelled dog?????
  12. you didn't read the article you posted did you? shocking...
  13. i am sure that is all it is for some... but damn sure not everyone... and it doesn't matter because they all got to embrace it either way to get to the winning part... which is pretty awesome...
  14. some embrace the suk and if you want to compete with people like that you better to... it isn't about it being fun... quite the opposite...
  15. to be fair, you are right... iwent there early 90s for a show and it was a shit hole... i just forgot about it... but have spent several weekends there for various reasons since late oughts and loved it... the graffiti there is in incredible... garlic mama chiken... the last time i was there was during the boogie bug days... was at the place that has been shown above... so many girls of my preference running around... it was sensory overload... shut that place down then stumble raced my buddy back tot the hotel... got lost... got swung on by a homeless man i guess i startled... next day the best hair in wrestling tried to big dik me... one of my better traveling experiences all in all...
  16. this truth... i really like KC downtown area and always have...
  17. my kids love to practice... but... the moment either of them said i want to take a break for a couple of days or a week or whatever then they did... my youngest was sik after coming back from Estonia so he couldn't wrestle for a couple of days this week... i walked into the gym and he was in the sauna with his face pressed against the glass watching his boys get to roll... it killed him... now... how much of that is nature or nurture? i know there was no whining in my house at all... you got made fun of mercilessly if tried to whine... my kids have seen every part of me broken all the years i raced... no whining... ever...
  18. 100% full disclosure... i know i got a rep here and every where else i go... but the truth of the matter is my boys loved wrestling since the day they stepped on the mat... one pulled too much weight... the other couldn't pull at all... they both made all their own decisions on where and what weight since they have been 12... they did not get grounded as a punishment when they were young... they didn't get to go to the tourney that weekend... by the time they were 10 and 12 they refused to go to locals... there was just no point... we had to travel, so, that is just what we did... i never cared about results at all... only effort... if either them didn't give maximum effort i had no problem telling them that... some people are literally drawn to this sport because of how hard it is... this sport is not for everyone and i am totally ok with that...
  19. truth... all anyone has to do is just make it happen... it's easy, right?
  20. it isn't rocket science... and even some psycho dads taking their kids all over the country and planet have figured it out...
  21. wrestling is hard... people are soft in this country... that is really all there is to it...
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