I think the Brands boys drive their boys too hard and that's one of the reasons they limped home to a 4th place finish this year. That's a guess because I've never visited their barn, sorry, "wrestling room", during a practice. The Hawkeyes just looked burned out, even their lone champion Buchanon looked like he was pooped in that tournament, and the less said about Teemer and Parco the better.
Working hard to improve is laudable, but you got to let the boys fully recover their strength by the end of the regular season, and I don't think "take it easy for a couple weeks" is in the Brand' boys' natures. I think they are trying to catch up to Cael with pure hard work and driving their kids too hard, and that just isn't gonna do it. "As long as it takes" is the wrong answer to the question below, that's how you crush team morale and wear the kids down.