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Everything posted by Boring

  1. I think maybe he's a pretty good coach at teaching technique but terrible at other important aspects of coaching. Maybe he needs a strong HC to get the best results out of him. Not everybody is meant to be a HC.
  2. There are a lot of aspects to being a successful wrestling coach beyond just expertise on the mat. Ryan might be a great fundraiser and a good guy at managing his assistant coaches who are doing the mat work with the kids. I'm not criticizing the guy, I'm just speculating on why his results may be dropping. Maybe he'll buck the trend and come back with a vengeance.
  3. He completely bombed at Oklahoma. I think he's overrated.
  4. Ryan is 55 years old. Last year the other OSU forced out John Smith at age 59 and he hadn't had a really good team in some years. Wrestling was different back when those guys wrestled and guys don't have as much energy when they hit late middle age either, naturally Ryan's results are starting to suffer.
  5. What would there be to challenge? It was a clear takedown. The ref probably should just ignore the brick in that situation.
  6. Surber was embarrassing. That guy didn't have enough aggressiveness on the mat, ever.
  7. Yeah, I know a little about cooking. My mom was a great cook, and I was always a hungry kid hanging over her shoulder when she cooked, just so I'd be the first guy to fill his plate, hehe. I watched Mom for years and learned how to cook a lot of stuff, but mostly I just cook simple stuff like soups, stews, pan fried steaks and such.
  8. Can you cook? I love Italian food.
  9. I hear if it shrinks enough you can compete in lady sports.
  10. Awesome, thank you! When I looked at the bracket and saw he got pinned in the first round I realized it WAS HIM!
  11. Calling BS on that. Prove it.
  12. Eventually Wyatt has to join active service AF. He's such a big dude that you know he won't be flying any fighter planes!
  13. The complete lack of awareness is astonishing. He discussed what he perceived as Buchanon's weakness, then he went out and lost to Buchanon.
  14. I've never eaten artichoke, but I remember a story from a newspaper years ago that might be related. A convict wanted to kill the judge that put him away and tried to find a hit man. Eventually he found a hitman named Artie who loved killing so much that he agreed to kill the judge for a dollar. That night the hitman broke into the judge's house and strangled him to death, but the struggle awakened the maid, so he had to strangle her too for being a witness. As he was leaving the judge's wife walked out of the downstairs bathroom and saw him, so he strangled her too. Unfortunately for him a neighbor saw him breaking in and he was soon captured by the police. The next day the newspaper headline stated "Artie Chokes three for a dollar".
  15. I think the Brands boys drive their boys too hard and that's one of the reasons they limped home to a 4th place finish this year. That's a guess because I've never visited their barn, sorry, "wrestling room", during a practice. The Hawkeyes just looked burned out, even their lone champion Buchanon looked like he was pooped in that tournament, and the less said about Teemer and Parco the better. Working hard to improve is laudable, but you got to let the boys fully recover their strength by the end of the regular season, and I don't think "take it easy for a couple weeks" is in the Brand' boys' natures. I think they are trying to catch up to Cael with pure hard work and driving their kids too hard, and that just isn't gonna do it. "As long as it takes" is the wrong answer to the question below, that's how you crush team morale and wear the kids down.
  16. I think it may be time to remove loudmouths like Cormier from the commentary booth. The guy has diarrhea of the mouth and he flat out sounds stupid much of the time. Yeah, nice guy, blah blah blah, but I'd rather have a dude that comments only when something relevant happens (aside, maybe, from 'color" on the wrestlers, which I usually enjoy) rather than a guy who can't shut his ever gaping yap. To be honest I wasn't overly impressed with JB's commentary either, but at least he had the skills to pay the bills as a wrestler (multiple world titles).
  17. Before Ted Cruz came along I thought Jim Bakker had the most punchable face on the planet.
  18. Are you sure about that?
  19. I hate how Ferrari wrestles. Pure stallmaster. What I do like is how he gave that interview about being right with Jeebus and then went out and got beat, lol. Love seeing the fake "christians" getting shown up.
  20. Actually I could've scripted a better end to the HWT match. Gable builds up a large lead, maybe 10-2, with 20 seconds left and both guys in neutral. Hendricksen then does a lateral drop on Gable and pins him with 1 second left in the match.
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