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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. and most shooters — including those that have used the weapons in combat — have tended to agree that the M16 is the more accurate. A trade-off is that the accuracy and range don't equate to penetration.Feb 10, 2022
  2. the ar 15/ m16 was 'light as a bbgun and about as effective' according to many soldiers in vietnam. 1963 –– The year U.S. Army adopted the AR-15, which became the M16. The rifle became the U.S. military's dominant assault rifle. But those Vietnam era AR-15s and the later M16s were capable of fully automatic fire and boasted modifications.Jul 11, 2022
  3. this is in sweden... but many in the USA idolize this fraud
  4. https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2021-02-23/held-to-ransom-pfizer-demands-governments-gamble-with-state-assets-to-secure-vaccine-deal
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/sep/10/pfizer-accused-of-holding-brazil-to-ransom-over-vaccine-contract-demands
  6. ok, so how , other than it's look does it resemble it... b/c without select fire, it is nothing. militaries use assault rifles. do you know any military that uses an ar 15 ?
  7. Do surgeons always wear masks during surgery? "Really, the surgeon might as well wear nothing on their face," she said. Still, the CDC recommends a mask in the operating room, citing long-standing tradition and the benefits of protecting nose and mouth from splashes of blood and other bodily fluids.Oct 5, 2009
  8. Why do surgeons wear masks in operating room? Surgical face masks (SFMs) provide a physical barrier between bacteria of oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal origin and an open patient wound. Wearing a SFM in the OR is one of many long standing preventative practices, yet controversy exists as to the clinical effectiveness of SFMs in reducing the frequency of SSIs.
  9. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4480558/#:~:text=Most obviously%2C they can act,face in 24% of procedures.
  10. lol ' you must agree with me b/c i dont know the difference and we are disagreeing' is quite the argument given the lack of a definitive definition.. um.... there is one. you just refuse to see it. and it's not a legit question. AR stands for armalite rifle its like BMW does not actually stand for big mechanical waste.
  11. thats not what he said. and using your definition.. .the only reason its 'classified' as an assault rifle... is because it LOOKS like an assault rifle.
  12. ok. so here is the entire post.. unedited.. nowhere in it do you repudiate your ignorance about AR standing for assault rifle. and no the ar hasn't changed except that it has many other companies making similar versions based on the same platform. .223 is the caliber a .22 is also a caliber... the .223 is slightly larger. not much. and not a good deer rifle in my opinion. the thing that makes it different is the charge behind the projectile. a .22 with the same charge behind it would be just as deadly.. though it is already deadly enough
  13. and before you start. I AM NOT a warrior. but there are many who are. and i could be taught.
  14. the 2nd amendment is about the ability to throw off tyranny. and yes joe thinks the people of his nation would need f-16's to resist his governance. i laugh in afghan. even vietnamese.
  15. US v Miller '39: common to soldier of the day
  16. italy... but maybe same in canada?
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