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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. this is from a liberal
  2. i feel for her, but i bet she voted dem and will do so again
  3. are you claiming it's not a person?
  4. im not talking about when. im talking about why they are ended. lots of people survive off other people. we have talked about many of them.
  5. that was so last wednesday
  6. kamala is the greatest
  7. Abortion uses the same property rights arguments as slavery: It is not a person, It belongs to me, I can do with it what I want.
  8. he ignores that which he decides isn't relevant
  9. you just said some people don't know how pregnancy happens
  10. agree. a tip to make it stick better. after you finish a roll, take the last bit of tape off the cardboard. this way the cardboard will slide easy then... on hands and knees... rub this over the surface of the tape to get the tape flat to the mat ( I smash the roll flatter so its easier to hold). it sticks for weeks. we used to use towels and run knees over them, but this works so much better
  11. someone was saying something about not making things up
  12. omg what the h e double hockey sticks did i just watch i took me 3 seconds to shut it off
  13. how quickly they forget
  14. oh so it's really the DNC didn't want Biden to debate. got it.
  15. why debate harris if she isn't the nominee?
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