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Scouts Honor

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Everything posted by Scouts Honor

  1. ppl there are concerned about community parks.. are you talking beach access?
  2. https://nypost.com/2024/06/14/us-news/how-non-citizens-are-getting-voter-registration-forms-across-the-us-and-how-republicans-are-trying-to-stop-it/
  3. i agree. your posts say everyone you disagree with is an idiot.
  4. biden can't stay awake much. and i am guilty. I let this distract me and everyone else from the fact that it was his policies that had him at 30% approval
  5. the left is completely unhinged, i mean this is worse than net neutrality which was going to kill everyone
  6. i mean... if Trump is really a threat to democracy... how can Biden NOT step aside.. unless he knows.....
  7. i understand this is reddit but im saying... this is probably actually happening
  8. hadn't thought about this... quite a contrast people were killed by boeing and their failures...
  9. yes, after being called out by every other poster here... you decide to play nice... and act like you were the nice guy all along. ok. fresh start.
  10. see this is the part i dont get. i have never used any of the language or tone you do
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