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State Qualifier (6/14)

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  1. And honestly I’d say the same about Ferrari. He’s impressed me since those who’s number 1 matches when he majored Joe Sealy. Gotten bigger but he can attack. Didn’t do it much vs Carter but probably smart. I think they will wrestle Arnold here and use Angelo vs Ok St.
  2. Well that’s pretty good. I’m with ya haven’t seen him a lot but from my eye test I’ve been highly impressed. Wondering how close he might be with Keck and Carter. I think Mcenelly beats Plott.
  3. I’m hoping it’s Ferrari because I think he’s better and I want to see just how good Mcenelly is. From the eye test he’s pretty dang good. But can his attacks penetrate Ferrari’s stance and can he finish on him if he does get to his legs. Mcenelly is so so good at that bee line single to corner to feet finish. He just beasts right through them. But Ferrari showed a lot in his loss to Carter. I hope we get to see it.
  4. I’ve been around since day 1. Flo is ten times better now than it was then. Wth are you talking about? Martin created the site but barely made any content, Joe is a good dude but hardly a professional journalist or broadcaster. Mike Mal was cool but does ESPN keep all of their commentators forever? Stop with the nonsense. Flo has done more for wrestling in the last 20 years than any company in the world. Are they always perfect? Hell no. Do they write cheesy headlines? Hell yes but overall they try to do what’s best for wrestling while trying to turn a buck in the process. Hammerlock has a bug up his ass about Flo even though he continues to give them his money.
  5. Wild how quickly the landscape has changed. It seems like only 3 years ago that ASU was on the cusp of something special.
  6. You forgot Oklahoma State successfully poaching their top RTC guy Zahid.
  7. Thanks 8:00 eastern?
  8. Is there anyway to watch this tonight since it was rescheduled?
  9. Had to be especially when he was 48 lbs.
  10. Yeah that was for a big dual. This was the Soldier Salute. A meaningless early season tournament. This kid might be special. Absolutely no need to wrestle with the flu not to mention how ignorant it would be to give the flu to everyone else.
  11. It’s called an eye test. Could care less how long it took to tech him. I liked what I saw.
  12. Has he lost in college? Hadn’t seen him. Thoroughly impressed. Great atttacks and positioning. Also seems perfectly sized for the weight. He was on the verge of teching a tough Allread.
  13. Haha that’s actually a great gig for an old retired wrestling coach. From what I saw today, Gable is a better than ever. No one is beating him in the US.
  14. Say whatever you want but I freaking love watching this dude wrestle. Total control on the mat. USA wrestling needs him to give it another Olympic run.
  15. Iowa State
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