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Everything posted by 1032004

  1. I believe Suriano as well as a couple other of their recent transfers obtained a “certificate” in real estate development
  2. Looks like both Iowa and Penn State (and I’m sure many others) offer the opportunity to be a non-degree student. https://admissions.uiowa.edu/apply/nondegree-students https://registrar.psu.edu/enrollment/undergraduate-nondegree-enrollment.cfm
  3. I only saw Minnow saying one wrestler said no, which I assume was referring to Lilledahl. To me that (as well as the reported offers Iowa made to guys like Nagao) indicates that other schools are paying large amounts as well, even though they may be less than Iowa.
  4. I get what he’s saying but I think he’s wrong because I imagine recruits are going to start getting similar offers if they aren’t already. The reason transfers are allegedly getting more than recruits is because the NIL craziness has pretty much just started.
  5. https://atreuswrestlingrtc.com Coaches listed: Jones, Pritts, Molinaro, Thompson. Perry not listed. Athletes: Zahid, McGee, Figueroa, Courtney, Schultz, Kaleb Larkin, Fayzullaev, No more female wrestlers?
  6. How much has Woods even competed since graduating?
  7. My memory is short so I’m going to keep this to the last 4 seasons, starting with your list. So far, comparing best NCAA tournament finishes for starters at old vs new school: PSU- Dean better Hildebrandt worse Nagao worse (still time to improve) Truax worse Iowa- Lugo better Desanto better Eierman better Woods better Teske same Franek worse Caliendo better Michigan- Davison better Gomez better DeAugustino worse Finesilver better Griffith worse Suriano same Brucki worse Storr same Based on this data, you could make an argument that Iowa has done the best with improving transfers. I’m not sure I’d go that far, but I think it should at least dispel the narrative out there that Iowa’s transfers end up getting burned out or whatever. But really throughout almost the whole list most guys placement only changed by a couple places, hence my statement that most of the big name transfers “were pretty much the same guy they were before.” IMO, the 2 biggest improvements were Davison and Gomez, who went from never making an NCAA semi, to making the finals.
  8. What don’t you agree with? You can’t count those guys because they have no postseason performance to compare to (same with Micic, Spratley and any other guy that transfers before having wrestled an NCAA tournament - they’re still transfers, they just can’t really be part of the “did they improve after they transferred” argument).
  9. Brakan Mead. I’m sure it did help him in particular especially if he got any scholarship money. Looks like he won a state title as a senior at 113, then wrestled 2 years at Ohio State getting a few starts, with his best win being over Jack Medley. It probably helps the guys the most that are on the borderline of being D1 or not. Not sure it makes much difference for the elite guys though.
  10. He wasn’t. Here he is on x defending it: Honestly the most dumb thing he said in the video was probably that he thinks the 30 scholarship thing will actually lead to more total scholarships being available
  11. I’m not sure I follow. He appears to be “joking” in the sense that he probably doesn’t really think every single kid in the room should get held back, but he certainly seems to be saying that it will benefit your wrestling career
  12. Points at NCAA’s last season: Starocci 20 Buchanan 17 Teemer 17 Parco 11 Seems like Iowa is getting more points per $ in this hypothetical
  13. 1) Claiming that Starocci is getting $1.2-$1.3 million this year. Weird how the kid jumps in to correct the coach 2) Club coach telling all his wrestlers they should get held back (and the club was the one that posted this to social media)
  14. I see wrestlestat is showing Jack Maida of American to be making the same jump
  15. Technically he did score the same amount of team points in 2024 than 2022 (but less than 2023 and 2021). Although not sure if would have been less without 3 point takedown
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