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  1. Leadership at its finest!
  2. he's the top 3 hahaha Spencer Lee Austin Desanto David Carr Mitchell Mesenbrink Jordan Burroughs Thomas Gilman Tom Brands Nate Jackson Dan Gable Marl Iacovelli Tony Mantella Randy the razor Gillette
  3. I can live with it we've all lived with it. Reality is what it is, it is NOT broken, you guys have made that clear. I am definitely not swayed that it is fair.
  4. The only downer in wrestling is overmatched heavyweight match. If the dual is over everyones leaving. If the duals over and theres a good match everyones staying. When Lucas Davidson, Isaac Trumble, all the tweeners say they're good; I'll stop fighting for them, only because one little white girl hitting logo threes can make a difference.
  5. College wrestling is never a downer!!!
  6. Good point in the 149 Lovett had the wheels coming off. But maybe could have got them to consider reaction time on the pinto TD.
  7. nash hutchmaker was 7-8 EXACTLY! The only reason he won is because he was 60 pounds heavier
  8. I never saw a green brick even in the 174 when Pinto had Simma's second ankle for like maybe a second or less real time and got the TD. Coach was verbal never threw the brick
  9. After watching the Nebraska Illinois GREAT match, and seeing maybe 500-700 in the stands, kinda agreeing with you guys; there's no growth to support it. Too bad for the tweeners. Like watching them taking on and beating the heavys. They do need more equity because his top end in the division is what? Because if he's wrestling Wyatt or Kerk, 200 or more of these people are walking out early. We'll see how many 218 pounders get recruited or passed on. You guys are correct! If you don't want to wrestle the bigs you're a wussy.
  10. Was the ref late starting swipes when Realbuto had Lovett in danger first time after reversal not at end?
  11. different emotion and risk factor depending on your opponent, not always the course
  12. No, it was stated that the Brands one trick pony coaching style Spencer Lee arm bar has to be replaced. Not and rankings
  13. Do you really think it is fair a really good 220-230 gives up 50 pounds to a good 280 pounder? Just answer that one simple question. Or they should all be happy with bulking up and taking 4 or 5th for 4 years? Who cares about AD's. What about the student athlete. Also because 2 220 pounders is a better product than a 220 285 match. Your telling me there's not enough wrestlers who fit this body type?? And if the weights are split maybe there's half 220 wrestlers and half 230-285 wrestlers that's more guys wrestling equal opponents isn't that why we have weight classes. Programs are getting 3 deep at 197 look at all the new guys, If they put on a growth spurt then all they have is freestyle. Which brings us to another reason building for the 96kg spot. If your looking to freestyle 96kg you sit out college or give up 50 pounds.
  14. Do you work for the WNBA?
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