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  1. Keck helped by beating the hell out of him.
  2. Words < Actions. Arnold trying to spank his opponent post-match is worse than anything Starocci has said.
  3. And by "crush", we mean get a takedown and wrestle from his knees the rest of the match to win 3-2.
  4. Everyone gets worse after transferring out of Northwestern. See also Chris Cannon and Sebastian Rivera.
  5. There are some people who will pass up a few thousand dollars in NIL right now to access the money that follows receipt of an ivy league degree. They're getting paid - just later and more indirectly.
  6. True. Could be considered performance-enhancing (gets rid of crippling anxiety for some), but I don't think that's why they test for it.
  7. Not performance-enhancing and not a safety risk, so NCAA shouldn't care.
  8. I'll try to help keep this as a wrestling topic. SEC schools all dropped their wrestling programs. F the SEC (including their new teams).
  9. God finally telling everyone what he thinks about schools dropping their wrestling programs.
  10. Emptying the clip is more badass than the Cowboys' fruity "six-shooters in the air" celebration.
  11. No, we live in a zero sum world. Sorry - I don't make the rules.
  12. Absolutely a wrestling topic. One team stole their wrestling endowment to give it to football and then dropped the program. The other program is a team I hate, but not tonite.
  13. They need to: (i) keep the best IL kids home, and (ii) bring in a couple out-of-state blue chips every year. They certainly haven't been doing (i). They seem to focus on very good kids from IL and let other programs peel off the top layer. Having said that, getting Aaron Stewart is a step in the right direction.
  14. Brooks doesn't have any eligibility left.
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