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Everything posted by Spladle08

  1. So when I initially pushed back against Basch when he was saying they were out. My whole criteria was Saduleav has to be in because he's posting that he's going/preparing for it. So he must know something we don't. But yeah obviously he has pro-war ties .... which led me to think (we have no clue what the correct criteria is or how they're applying it.) yeah so when it comes to disqualifying factors: short of actually going to war.... they seem to be applied subjectively.
  2. Just a real weird place/situation to put yourself out there like that . What a weiner. :) still pretty pumped for Sidakov vs Dake .
  3. Eric O made such a stink for no reason.
  4. Just feels like Russia knows the 26
  5. :) finally got Tapatalk again. Lol boom I'm convinced he can bronze ;) Sent from my motorola one hyper using Tapatalk
  6. Brother, with all due respect. That "take" ain't worth a used diaper. Parris will be fortunate to medal, and I feel he has evolved beyond 100% relying on his short-firemans/dump, which hurts his likelihood of defeating the "Big 3" . He ain't outwrestling them for the duration.
  7. That's a little ridiculous, but wiser men than me make these decisions. I'm going to assume the Tank is in. But I'm also going to wonder why no Sidakov
  8. Yeah I saw him on Insta, but also agree, lol when I saw Radik's list was solid, I was like "Should've believed this with all of my heart" but then Eric O is doing his peacocking. Wonder when they will decide his eligibility... the morning of?
  9. I mean 4 and 5 point wins over Parriss at final X didn't get my hopes too high. And to say he doesn't have the "Scared" factor over domestic competition would be silly. I still think he beats 95% of heavies. But I think Geno and wouldve been a hefty challenge.
  10. Apparently Eric O is claiming FakeNews on the Saduleav. He's registered but not approved. Still unknown is his availability to compete
  11. Its the same Magomedov that beat up Fix, its basically RBY lite (he types, not believing a word of it) lol yes it hurts Vito chances of winning it, but so could just the draw, he's a slow starter as is. I get it though, Mago is the favorite, but with a favorable draw, and them meeting like in the Quarters, I wouldn't be surprised if Vito puts a little spice on him. First round or in the finals, I feel like Vito's spice rack doesn't have enough oregano
  12. I agree, Dake comes back from losses better than anyone, and yes, I don't think Valiev can win that many coin flops against this field. I stand by my initial thoughts. Dake is clear #1 Kadi could beat him, but my overwhelming guy feeling is "you can't beat him 2x" Tsalk is the most consistent not named Dake. Chamizo is my forever Silver Medal pick , with some strange luck Iran/Valiev/Demirtas/whoever......can all battle for a chance at bronze
  13. I'm not claiming he's some unbeatable force. Simply saying, of American's with realistic shots of winning their weight, Russia's presence, hurts Snyderman the most, and I'd say Zain Train the second most. Disagree?
  14. 100% Hard to pick against, but you're going to be disappointed you were right.
  15. Russia finally getting entered, clearly hurts Snyderman the worst. But in a close second, would you say Train Named Zain?? Yeah I would as well
  16. Lay off the wacky tobacky, he was interest, and looked fine domestically but that little break he took to learn more gymnastics wasn't more beneficial than actually competing. Zare by domination.
  17. No Sidakov is fairly sad,Valiev isn't much of a step down (as far as who he's an underdog against) but just doesn't get those sexy dominant wins. 3-2 vs Urrrbody (slight exaggeration)
  18. Dake is clearly the fav. It may not be fun but you know he has figured out Kadi, he doesn't lose often but you know where he does, he studies like a mad-man. That said. He does tend to have close matches with certain guys, and seeing as the weight is deeper with talent than Dake's previous golds at 74kg, I am most excited by this weight. If it was a life or death gamble, obviously give me Dake. If its just for fun gimme Chamizo. I can see Kadi beating Dake and, my 1B to Dake is TSalk. If Sidakov shows up, I hope its Dake vs Sidakov round 1, just for dramatic purposes.
  19. Snyder vs Saduleav with Iran trying to play spoiler, tale as old as time
  20. I didn't scroll back to the previous pages but who were you taking before. He's the man!
  21. Forgot the forums existed anymore . Higuchi Wins. Aman Upsets somebody Either Abakarov or Uguev don't medal. One of them will get upset by a random, or maybe they'll wrestle for Bronze, but I'm leaning no medal for the Russian. Uguev has close bouts in whatever he does, I just feel like all the uncertainty doesn't do him any favors
  22. Had literally no reason to click on this thread, but glad I did.
  23. Glad to see Stilly doing well, great tournament
  24. Enjoyed this conversation. Hopefully we take some radical action to improve our results... But I can't see how it's possible without big changes at the youth level .
  25. Oh for sure, I'm always going to hope he (Cox) pulls it out, but when speaking of expected outcomes.... gotta give Snyderman the nod. Everyone has something, an injury, a family death, a relationship gone sour, but since 2015 or so.... Snyderman hasn't let any of them trip him up. Captain Consistency
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