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Everything posted by Spladle08

  1. I was wrong btw, 0 upsets that round of 70kg. enter: the wild west of 61kg, time for some techs
  2. Weapoinized was the ideal descriptions, wonder what him vs Yainni vs Lee vs Mckenna looks like next year, I wonder if this time at 70kg hurts his performance at all
  3. Zain feels like he should be the favorite in every match he wrestles. He's just the most composed, solid wrestler on the mat every time.. Then throw in the Pico thrashing The Destribats The Narikuni He has setbacks just like everyone . But I can see why his fans always think "this is his year "
  4. I'll wait for the outcome to over-react one way or the other. Medal = tell me everything about this legend No medal = what a dumb decision
  5. Theoretically. But it was Japan last year that destroyed the weight (different guy)...... I haven't researched this dude (Aoyagi) but I'm holding my initial thought of, "he's a much easier opponent than the Russian" He looked great, we'll see.
  6. Feel like we will get a couple more upsets this round at 70kg
  7. You can't make drastic changes that are overall detrimental to your power and expect to compete. Just not how it works. He'll have a thick one next time out
  8. Lol talk about over sleeping. All caught up and ready to over-react. Let's go !!!! And yeah Parris came locked in
  9. I started off in a few spots like "wtf" but overall, well done. #Cheers I enjoyed it
  10. Lol this was great
  11. Correct, they are annoying
  12. Yeah it's the only time the 2 finalists from the Olympics have participated. So yes it's the toughest .
  13. After seeing brackets, I can't see how you don't pick Chamizo
  14. Love the positivity
  15. Brackets are great :), nothing completely wild, but the top half of 97kg is nice . My poor sweet Chamizo is about to get rich or die trying. Would be an impressive showing if Dake navigates his way to gold . 57kg was going to be rough regardless of position but yeah rough Vito landed in a pretty Nice spot. Yay Lee is also in a very great spot and should have the chance to wrestle for a medal Zain should get to the semis and coinflip Chance should have a solid shot at the semis, but then I have my doubts . DT vs Yaz obviously Zahid has a rough path to the finals or even a medal, but maybe he'll show up (I wouldn't we medal) Kyle will be in the semis. Who knows Parris (in my opinion is tied with 3 or 4 guys for what could be the 4th best at the weight on any given day . And should take bronze here ) That's it
  16. I've been jones'n . And checked literally everywhere. I need this. Eric O usually loves posting them first on the UWW feed but alas, I'm without
  17. pretty much it
  18. Lol Chamizo wins 74kg or i'll change my sig to .....
  19. Lord, I gotta reset my Tapatalk signatures Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk
  20. Don't be so unconfident Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk
  21. I need that sweet vpn Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk
  22. Which countries do you anticipate will show up without "hunger" Think the Italians have full bellies and don't care to medal? Turkish wrestlers? Who is the least hungry?
  23. Lol my inside scoop was their Instagram posts of them both saying they were ready and prepared for worlds . That was my "proof". They were posting pics and countdowns, and I was sure they were both entering. Then Valiev entered and I felt stupid. But luckily Sidakov confirmed that he and Saduleav didn't travel to the worlds , train like mad men, etc etc without knowing their eligibility ahead of time
  24. Easy Answer: CHAMIZO Dark-Horses: Dake /Sidakov.
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