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Everything posted by 98lberEating2Lunches

  1. Bottom line, Wisconsin is out of the picture. Mr. Burwick, who missed the May 1 deadline to notify his former school, Wisconsin, will be ineligible to compete at his new school, Nebraska, for one season--unless Nebraska submits a waiver that’s granted by the NCAA. Sources have stated Nebraska submitted a waiver. There appears no reason to doubt that. So now Mr. Burwick is waiting for the NCAA to process and grant or deny the waiver. As is often the case when new rules are created, certain facets of executing the rule may lag. For example, what should be in the submitted waiver for it to be granted and evaluation criteria for granting or denying a waiver could be lagging. I suspect these are contributing factors to the delay Mr. Burwick and Nebraska are experiencing, and any resulting frustration.
  2. My 'expert' opinion is either someone somewhere is a lazy POS for not filling out the paperwork or someone somewhere is being a d!ck to Mr. Burwick. That, or the paperwork is misplaced, in a queue as a lower priority, or fictitious. I think that pretty much covers the possibilities where ill-intent or incompetence are assumed. But practically speaking, there is likely no precedent for what Mr. Burwick experienced. I understand it is something like Wisconsin didn't inform him or other athletes of new rule associated must enter portal by date else lose eligibility and sitout, if transfer. Mr. Burwick's portal entry didn't meet the prescribed date. Wisconsin admitted it hadn't informed its athletes. All bureaucracies love precedent. NCAA is a bureaucracy. Absent precedent, one should expect the NCAA will tread lightly and slowly as it sets new precedent. I am sure the NCAA appreciates Mr. Burwick's patience.
  3. A shitload weighs a shitton.
  4. Control your peace of mind.
  5. I use a command voice.
  6. Yellowstone cougar involved, I presume.
  7. Apparently they've got some procrustean mofos over there.
  8. Sorry, I do not stream.
  9. Much better than having Monistat
  10. What, no Liberty Mutual Insurance?
  11. Huh? B1G sets conference schedule. PSU and Iowa don't even meet every year. That's probably a higher priority for PSU/Iowa to try and mutually arrange than PSU/Nebraska.
  12. Blow lungs out (not eye)
  13. But good enough for what?
  14. Checked what, where, and how?
  15. I visited 'The Zoo' while its still free. National Zoo is part of Smithsonian, so it's free. I like it that way. Will only feed the animals at the latter, with officially provided kibble. I saw @BobDole had listed some of 'The Zoo' exhibits. Is he the head zookeeper here? It's nice to provide a safe space for the captive animals.
  16. Is limiting a poster to 'the zoo' rather than banning them really something that happens on this forum?
  17. It was one helluva dual while it lasted. Bit of an adrenaline dump afterwards. Too much time already without wrestling.
  18. I was having trouble seeing (or hearing) fans for Pitt at Illinois. Maybe Illinois' new facilities will help with that.
  19. Just some. Whenever bad weather causes numerous no shows, Carver is a SO-SO home mat advantage. PS - Also when Rivera is officiating.
  20. If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that hands are wringing all across the Nittany Wrestling Naion, as I type. Then again, from Intermat Tournament projections, some will go up (Kerkvliet, Van Ness, and Facundo) while one (Dean) will drop at a fairly open weight Also, Levi Haines waits in the wings at another fairly open weight class (157). I suspect PSU's NCAA bonus point increase from last year's NCAAs to the upcoming one, will more than offset any team point drop-off attributable to a lower finish by Dean.
  21. Why? Seems like a waste of time and contrived drama that would get old real quick. Why not--if the coaches can't agree to a starting weight--they each place their preferred starting weight on a card, then the coin flip. Winner of the coin flip decides whether to use their card, or opposing coach's and instead decide whether they want even or odd choice in 2nd periods. I thought winner of coin flip could choose starting weight or choice of bottom before, if the coaches couldn't agree on the starting weight (125 or other)
  22. A strategy to work from bottom in a dual, if the opportunity presents itself, with NCAAs in mind, while also playing to his strength. However, if Dean gets a couple TDs and accumulates a good bit of riding time early but is unsuccessful turning Beard, then I could see Beard taking bottom, thinking Max will free release him to try and get a major.
  23. Regardless of score, I believe if Beard has choice in the second, he will take bottom then, rather than defer his choice to the third. Otherwise, he will take neutral in the third.
  24. That, or Dean successfully locked up the bow and arrow for a quick fall after his first TD.
  25. Maybe highest grade level graduated from, so it could be middle school, I guess.
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