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Everything posted by poke1

  1. And he did it on a gimped leg! Was scheduled to have surgery, got the call he was in the tourn. due to a someone that dropped out (forgot the reason). So he wrestled on a bad leg as the 33 seed. Obviously losing to the #1 seed immediately then to battle back through the con's for 8th place. Get's his AA medal, then proceed to his knee surgery.
  2. Nope! Not gonna happen!
  3. I like this topic and agree with most everyone, but what about the worst transfer?? I am totally disappointed with Amine the most! I'm beating that he doesn't AA again this year. He was a waste in my opinion!
  4. No hole at 197, older Merrill has redshirted this year behind Surber and will take over next year.
  5. Again ALL rounds are on ESPN+ and tomorrow's finals are on ESPNU
  6. Big 12's sessions are all on ESPN+ and the finals on Sunday are on ESPNU
  7. Because Dreshaun is in this topic, my biggest concern for Oklahoma State is that there may be a log jam at the future HWT spot with Dreshaun and the younger Merrill (who is the current #1 ranked High school HWT) both coming in. The older Merrill will take Surber's spot after this year, so 197 is not going to be questioned. HWT is the future head scratcher.
  8. JW is really a good kid and owns his past. He's learning from it and it shows. I hope and would not be surprised if he AA's this year.
  9. Yes Iowa did win the match last night, but I still think OState has a chance of finishing 2nd. I think we all know that if Plott would have won last night against Arnold Ostate wins the match. So with Arnold back in the lineup for Nationals they are a little weaker than they showed last night. Obviously Ferrari was put in to give them a better shot at winning.
  10. Kendall Cross was one of my favorite leg riders.
  11. Just the opposite, Spratley grew up in Eufala, OK and moved to Plano, TX his later years of high school. Jamison grew up in Durant, OK and moved to Plano, TX in his later years of high school. So I would say they are both true Oklahomans!
  12. Is it Stemmet from Stanford?
  13. Who is the highest ranked wrestler AJ Ferrari has wrestled this year so far?
  14. I guess you could compare at the National tourn. which team had the most national champions the years they won the team title. I remember one year during one of Oklahoma State's title runs (somewhere between 2004-2006) they had 5 champs.
  15. I knew they were keeping him out to heal the month of January. I guess he's still not healthy enough to go?
  16. Sergio Vega 141
  17. Landon Robideau 149 or 157
  18. I think Hamiti deserves the pace category as well. Dude never stops moving, his chain wrestling is as good as any!
  19. Happel beat Jamison of Oklahoma state last night, not Carter.
  20. For UNI to be ranked #5, Downey and Keck could be the only winners tomorrow night. Could go differently, but I wouldn't be shocked if this was the outcome either.
  21. Now that most duals have an intermission after the 157lb match (15 min. break), this would be cool thing to do during all intermissions at every college dual.
  22. All Cowboys finished above their seed. Spratley and Hendrickson wrestled to their seed. Great first tourn. for this new regime under Coach DT!
  23. the staple...Eskimo Joe's
  24. Back from my trip to Stillwater this weekend. Below is my take aways from each weight class, and I'm sure others will have a difference of opinion which is fine as we all are entitled to our own thoughts and views. That's what makes this forum fun as we all chime and chat about the sport that we all love. 125: Spratley- Seems to have an extra gear so far, just looks extremely focused. For this really deep weight, I don't see him being an easy out for anyone. I'm sure he will have some defeats this year but I also think he could be a contender come March. 133: Hughes/Witcraft- Hughes is the better of the two, but I worry about him being able to maintain the weight cut throughout the year. He's looked good in his matches but he does have the appearance of cutting a lot of weight! Witcraft hasn't looked bad in his matches either. So we will see as neither of them have had to face any of the top tier guys yet. 141: Jamison- Just seems to be a little off, maybe nursing a minor injury or something. He's just seems to be hanging around and then doing just enough to win at the end. 149: Young- (This one's my headscratcher). He lost both matches this weekend that I feel he could have won. He's been the aggressor and gets in deep on a high crotch or single but get a little sloppy and can't finish or gets taken down when he's the one in better position to score. I'm sure DT will work with him on this and he'll improve as the year go on. 157: Teague Travis/Cutter Sheets- Travis is the starter, but Sheets gets some valuable freshman experience this weekend. He wrestled hard in his lose on Friday night and picked up a MD on Sunday. 165: Amine- Had a MD on Friday night but lost in OT Sunday. Probably would have won on Sunday if he was more aggressive on his feet. He got hit with stalling in the first period for backing up. He looked solid on top and bottom but just a little more action when neutral and he would have been fine. 174: Hamiti- Looked great! Man he reminds me a lot of John Smith. Can pretty much ankle pick whenever he wants. I wouldn't count him out for making the finals in March. 184: Plott- Maybe a little sluggish on Friday but returned to the Plott we all know on Sunday. I feel like DT favors him a bit, but I can see why...he's always working and constantly looking over at the corner and listening to instructions. "The perfect student". 197: Surber- My pick for OSU wrestler of the week! He has impressed me the most in this early stage of the year. He has been that guy in the past that hangs around 12th to 20th in the rankings. This Surber is wrestling like a man on a mission. Definitely has a chance to AA if he keeps this pace. HWT: Wyatt Hendrickson- It sure is refreshing to watch a heavy weight match with his action. Feels like you are watching an extra 125lb match. Maybe the days of watching 2 big dudes leaning on each other for 3 periods is over. NOTES: Anyway, that's my 2 cents on attending OK State duals this weekend. Guys, just remember these are just my observations and point of views. If you saw it differently, I would love to read your takes as well. Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!
  25. Sunday's match with OK State vs Arizona St is at 1:00 central. Last night's match with Wy started at 7:00 and the total attendance was 6,784, the crowd was electric! The crowd made the match feel like it used to when Iowa was in town, crowd was totally energetic even though it was several thousand people shy of a full house. But that probably because they wanted to see the new Sheriff in town DT. I'm looking forward to going back there again tomorrow for the AZ St match.
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