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red viking

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Everything posted by red viking

  1. A "concrete guarantee" still has exceptions for extreme situations like this. Nothing is 100.00000% guaranteed in real life but nice strawman argument.
  2. President Musk and diaper boy made the claim. Back it up.
  3. No worries. You should just hold your own people accountable to back up their claims before you swallow them hook line and sinker.
  4. Again, completely different. Now you're simply talking about somebody that underperforms.
  5. Completely different. And where's the evidence for "fake employees?"
  6. More lies from the rt. It's not about whether he was thankful or how thankful, or how he expressed it. That's extremely petty. It's how disrespectful diaper boy and Vance were to him. Complete bullying. Why? Because they can. That's what a bully does.
  7. I'd like to know how this can happen in the fed govt though. As stated, these fictional people would gave to go through an interview, get hired, and then their supervisor would have to cover for them while being accountable for their work they aren't doing. Keep drinking the ķool aid though and believe whatever outrageous claim they make.
  8. Repeated claim by President Musk and diaper boy. I'd like to see some actual examples of these people. Or will the winger idiots just drink up more of this Kool aid agsin?
  9. Do the math challenged wingers not realize the difference between a couple million and a multi trillion dollar budget. Let me do some basic math for you. This is LESS THAN 1 MILLIONTH OF THE FEDERAL BUDGET!!! This proves how pathetic this is going when they use this example to point out that they're finding fraud. Also pathetic that they want to give DOGE credit for any fraud that is found by anybody, when these tiny amounts of fraud were uncovered during every administration.
  10. No, but we're taking their side in every other way and trying to take advantage of Ukraine economically with an absolutely horrible rip-off of a deal. It's a complete embarrassment. Russia is literally one of the most corrupt dictatorships in the world and he's an extremely evil person that will obviously assassinate anybody that causes signfiicant problems for him.
  11. I'm completely embarrassed to live in this country. A country that supports the most corrupt dictatorship in Europe (Russia) that invaded a sovereign nation.
  12. If we truly had some integrity, we'd cut funding to Israel. Way more of a waste than Ukraine.
  13. A deal that was so bad that I wouldn't be surprised if Putin drafted it up himself. Especially since Trump worships the ground he walks on.
  14. Yes, in the winger reality, Washington Post will no longer be considered part of "the media."
  15. https://apnews.com/article/fox-news-dominion-lawsuit-trial-trump-2020-0ac71f75acfacc52ea80b3e747fb0afe
  16. Vast majority of tax cuts going to billionaires.
  17. Lmfao. Or they voted against destruction of medicaid and food assistance. Btw, this bill INCREASES the deficit.
  18. People have different priorities and values. Most public sector workers don't have salary as their #1 priority. If they do., they dont stay long.
  19. That's another lie. It's a partnership between The Harris Poll, HarrisX, and Harvard University's Center for American Political Studies. yes, it's rigged. President Musks approval rating is now plummeting and <50%
  20. Nice story, but in reality govt work pays worse than pvt sector for the vast majority of jobs. Maybe it was different a few decades ago.
  21. Lmfao when they say they'll pay off the deficit w this. Nice idea to bring in more Republicans amd elites but they'll sell very few.
  22. Here's facts about whats actually occurring: consumer sentiment, stock market and President Musks approval rating are ALL dropping.
  23. How dumb are you? You assume it's liberal because it has "harvard" in the name? No wonder you gulp down the President Musk Kool aid https://www.thecrimson.com/column/forging-harvards-future/article/2024/3/26/bodnick-/
  24. Lmfao. Yah, cutting govt sounds great as long as you don't get specific, which means likely cutting programs that affect people. Totally rigged poll. Here's facts about whats actually occurring: consumer sentiment, stock market and President Musks approval rating are ALL dropping.
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