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Everything posted by bnwtwg

  1. Lucas Byrd may be known domestically as a 2x All-American but globally he is recognized as an all-time Short King along with his 6'2 Tall Queen https://www.barstoolsports.com/blog/3470025/congrats-to-worlds-cutest-short-king-and-tall-queen-couple-on-graduating-the-university-of-illinois
  2. No that's the dipshit Focus family. I meant Thompson likes to vape in the bathroom during major in-season wrestling tournaments and then get caught. Sorry I thought it was clear but I guess my post was as foggy as a cloud of sour apple flavored smoke.
  3. I got to bed around 2, 2:30 https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/2bc12d09-8fcc-44b9-87ce-a54942ddfe5f#lXnS0r7x.copy
  4. Someone else around said you can send them an email. I'm sure that will resolve the issue.
  5. It's not legal yet in bass ackwards Oklahoma, so 50/50 depending on what state that day's tournament is located in.
  6. TIL where the Michigan wrestling NIL money is coming from
  7. FWIW I have applied and directly reached out multiple times through the years. They have my name, number, and email and even provided a significantly below-market figure that I would accept to grow our sport but I never got a response at any time. So then I started being as snarky as everyone else online.
  8. Well that's just mean.
  9. I was going by a USAW press release on May 23 which stated "Match order will be available by Friday's press event." A USAW MFS preview on May 29 that I didn't read prior to my post stated "...In weight order, which is how the matches will be conducted at Final X." So there is our answer.
  10. Now kids will just want to be Steph Curry out here raining threes
  11. maybe @BobDole knows someone who can edit my original post while I was definitely paying attention to the meeting on my other screen Mat 1: Greco-Roman Mat 2: Men's Freestyle Mat 3: Women's Freestyle
  12. For those curious Click here to watch. A FloWrestling subscription is required. 1) How are the mats set up? Mat 1 Greco, Mat 2 Men's Freestyle, Mat 3 Greco-Roman 2) What does the schedule look like? True-third matches are the undercard and begin at 12:30 EDT / 9:30 PDT Best of three matches begin at 2 EDT / 11 PDT. Session 1: First matches in each series are scheduled to go 2:00 EDT - 4:30 EDT Intermission: There will be an intermission which is scheduled at the end of round 1. The scheduled time is 4:30 6:00 EDT. I am not aware if there is a hard restart at 6:00 or if there is a hard 90 minute intermission. Session 2: Second and third matches (if necessary) are scheduled for 6:00 - 9:00 3) Are they going in order of weights? This is still TBD. Match order is scheduled to be released during a Friday press conference and this thread will be updated accordingly. 4) Can I watch on multiple devices? Unsure at this time. I personally would like to watch on three televisions that each use a seperate Roku stick. Typically I cannot do this for Flo events. I am hoping for the best but expecting the worst. *You can use a computer to extend to three displays (for three mats) by using three tabs on your web browser.*
  13. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. No.
  14. But Tailwinds forces the extra html layer on top and is for n00bs. Remember, they are based in Austin which is a bonafide tech hub so it’s not for a lack of talent. Bootstraps ftw. Their custom deployment of Angular is fine for the Flo “front page” but is the likely root behind their third party API issues I mentioned previously re: FloArena.
  15. That match is a great example of why we have weight classes and why Oly only using 6 classes is asinine.
  16. My keyboard is about to become a bad matchup for your feelings
  17. FloArena has always been junk - desktop and mobile syntax break and I suspect it's because of the third-party APIs (ad banners that generate at the bottom are an example of a third-party API in this use case). The mistake was not migrating to TrackWrestling when they acquired TW. Instead they are trying to make fetch happen with FloArena.
  18. Jesus christ call the coroner and tell 'em we need body bags from the surrounding counties
  19. You would be surprised at the volume of fresh grads who try to label themselves as "junior data scientist" that can't complete basic business Excel functions, much less write complex strings, and think because they learned the same 10 python hacks everyone knows that they are god's gift to earth until 60 ear old Janet from accounting puts the screws to them. It's kind of like letting the top freshman recruit work out with the grad assistant and today we're working on stand ups.
  20. The consistent gripe of Flo is that there is an abundance of common mistakes. An occasional mistake happens; a pattern of mistakes speaks to incompetence; a pattern of incompetence speaks to negligence. Publicizing their technical road map with sprint release dates would go a LONG way to regaining trust imo. People don't need to see the inner workings of their product ops org but a little transparency would go a very long way.
  21. Anyone who knows xlookup instead of index/match knows what they're talking about in my book
  22. You and I both know they're using Google Sheets with some faulty macros they copy-pasted from a google search
  23. Pushing straight to Prod because you lack quality product managers, engineers, and QA. This is more undergrad startup-level ineptitude from Flo. Don’t surprised when the feeds go down and the venue gets blamed, folks.
  24. Could be worse, like Dominique Bradley
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