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bnwtwg last won the day on April 19

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  1. If you are asking larger athletes to give up a disparity of weight then why can you not do the same if smaller athletes? Why, other than tradition, is there such pushback against matching works championship weights? And again, if you give more opportunities then more athletes will follow. It's like some of you have never created a new line of business because you want to waste time figuring out if you can marginally increase a fully saturated market and it shows.
  2. People bitch about 8 pounds being too much. Do the same thing they tell bigger guys - hit the gym and shut up.
  3. Can you name some examples of guys who didn't wrestle but had AA potential because they didn't want to make an 88 pound decision?
  4. We are not talking about high school. We are talking about high level wrestling at the collegiate level. 103 or whatever it is nowadays is also often forfeited. Don't lose the forest for the trees.
  5. Okay so let's take a step back for a second because everyone seems to consistently miss the point. There are limited opportunities due to lack of weight classes. If you give more weight classes then naturally the participant pool will grow. When your options are 1) Bulk up as much as possible to get up to 240-250 and lose what made you special in the first place 2) Cut harder than anyone else on the team to shrink down to 197 and lose what made you special in the first place 3) Do neither and enjoy college but give up wrestling as the cost Then you are only presented with miserable choices. Everyone else gets a weight class for their body why can't the people taller than 5'7 who hit the gym?
  6. What are you talking about that is ridiculous to even joke about. It was obviously Chris Gaines.
  7. There aren't enough competitors or there aren't enough opportunities?
  8. Lots of D1 programs struggle to find career 125s because it's primarily an underclass weight but I don't see anyone trying to get rid of it.
  9. I have but the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. I also made my own sodium bicarb a couple times for 5K's with expected results immediately after crossing the finish line and I'll never make that mistake again. Some things are better left to the experts lol
  10. hahahahaha sure and the next day it's -15 wind chill followed by a warmup to allow 4" of snow. March and April are notoriously fickle with all the fake first summer days, especially as autumn is continuously pushed further back each year.
  11. Stop making sense. Why would we want to increase numbers when our sport is at a critical point domestically?!
  12. Lucas Davison did it at NCAAs after Steveson was already an olympic gold medalist. It's not impossible but it will certainly piss him off to the point he initiates offense.
  13. 2 oz of tailwind mandarin orange every other mile, Ucan strawberry banana at 10k, Maurten caf 100 at 20k and 30k, Ucan again at 35k Easiest marathon you will ever run. For the tri, if it is olympic or a sprint it's Maurten 100 caf fifteen minutes before I dive in then chugging Maurten 320 caf with water and a Nuun tab thrown in. If it's a half or full then I have a whole seperate thread to get you to Kona/Nice. ETA: Always, ALWAYS, a beer and slice of cheese pizza after. Carbs and carbonation are the lifeblood of recovery.
  14. "The Nightmare Before Christmas Tournament" is a script being shopped around Hollywood. Last I heard, the names attached are Timothy Chalamet as our underdog lead, Zendaya as the quirky neighbor who believes when no one else does, The Rock as the football coach who has a DUI and as part of his community service is placed as team coach but learns all the life lessons that wrestling brings along the way, and Meryl Streep as the quick-witted team grandmother. No one has ever believed in Jimmy's wrestling ability so now he's on a mission to prove everyone wrong. The local Christmas tournament is the toughest in the area and Jimmy looks to dethrone the all-county champ. But St. Nick has other plans when Jimmy's Christmas Wish is to just be able to eat an extra bite while cutting weight. Santa's magic Christmas dust turns Jimmy's appetite into overdrive and he eats all the townsfolk's cookies and drinks too many glasses of milk that they left out for Santa as he delivers presents to all the boys and girls. Will he make weight tomorrow morning?! Check out this modern Christmas classic Tuesday... only on the CW!
  15. Find a couple ladies while you're at it then you got yourself 2 girls, 1 cup
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