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Everything posted by moodybooty

  1. You get a lot more interesting stories at the club and NAIA level. As a young adult, you have a lot more things to think about than a sport; kids to feed, dreams to pursue, families to uplift.. D1 doesn’t allow much grace for that. I really do wish there was more holistic coverage in wrestling. We have space for it as a fringe sport. Would love to hear more about the guys that can’t necessarily live the sheltered lifestyle of a full time career, but still get after it.
  2. Glazier taking out Ferrari has gotta be the biggest upset outside of 125lbs so far, no?
  3. Didn’t watch it yet, but found this from yesterday on a quick search:
  4. A lot of these athletes are working while wrestling. Chris Campbell was working full-time at a law firm when he medaled at worlds. They ended up finding out through a news clip, and then subsidized his training leading up to the Olympics!
  5. Clarissa Chun turned a first year program into the top ranked program pretty fast with a young roster. Who wouldn’t be excited to end up in Iowa City?
  6. The more inclusive term would be ‘Italianx.’ Please get with the times.
  7. I beg to differ. Those sharpie signatures are gonna last forever. Got a few dry erase boards to prove it.
  8. I’ve been hearing more and more career stories as the season gets rolling, and it made me wonder about the community here. Did you wrestle in college? What was it like for you, both the wrestling and the lifestyle? I tried to walk-on to the NCAA team, quickly discovered meal points and boxed wine, then joined the club team by the end of my first semester. Didn’t compete too much, but was happy to fall in love with the sport in a new way!
  9. We’ll make you one next season.
  10. Watched my first live basketball game last night. I could get used to hearing a crowd full of THREEs!
  11. I was surprised to see Nahshon gassing up at 65KG, but I’m glad he got it done!
  12. The USA Greco results, or using the gentlemanly titles?
  13. I’m not one to say what losing 5kg feels like.. but he looked like an Olympic champ last week. I’d love to see him give Sebastian a Silver next year.
  14. At least Latin America includes a 65kg spot at the Olympics. (Fwiw, i think we’ll have that spot secured pretty easily.) Outside of recent success, I think a lot of resources and skills have trickled throughout the hemisphere thanks to the RTCs, and I appreciate that! For every Sebastian Rivera in Jersey or Darian Cruz in PA, I’m sure there’s four younger ones with the same name in Arecibo that will have more - and better - opportunities to wrestle in the future.
  15. That's fair. I'm letting recency bias take over. It's crazy to think that Kyle Snyder's younger than David Taylor, yet took over his weight a few years earlier.
  16. Who else gets that fourth spot right now? David seems like he fits on this list already.
  17. You know, after seeing people rightfully shame August Wesley, i was expecting a lot worse of an effort from Anthony. Dude has a lot more wrestling chops and heart than other non-Olympic caliber athletes that went to represent a smaller country. Let him be 58th in the world or whatever it is that will fill in the quota spots at the end of the Olympic qualifier list. Fine. What’s the issue? Are we going to start posting every time the farm boy from Michigan that’s wrestling for Team Jamaica does something, too?
  18. Cutting weight has kept more kids out of wrestling than a singlet ever has.
  19. Where can I buy a jersey?
  20. Resigning after this summer’s youth WC’s: https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2023/June/28/James-Green-to-return-to-competition
  21. Respectfully, could you please link me to somewhere I can read more on the wrestling club? I couldn’t find a decent Wikipedia page. I always figured it dissolved immediately - I can’t believe that!
  22. Wait, Foxcatcher was still running after that? Are you serious?
  23. Hate to see lil ol’ Zain at zero votes. He’s always getting the job done and still coming up short.
  24. I do think a full-bodied 65KG Nahshon Garrett would smoke everyone we have at the weight. Not too sure how feasible it’d be to put on 4 good kilos & adapt your style to it in less than a year, though.
  25. We all knew the singlet pull call was home cooking, for sure. But we also know you have to kill the king to take the crown, too. Warranted call. Jordan’s a coach and an athlete who’s been on the short end of political reffing for his whole wrestling life - I’m alright with him getting that point literally at home. I think Jordan still wrestling at this level does so much for the sport, so I’m glad he’s still here and fighting for criteria wins instead of sitting. I also think Chance was a definitively better wrestler this season, and I’m excited for him to get a bit of the glow after the road he’s had to get back to this level of competition.
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