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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Then why was it listed on Flo? Shows audio only now, can I get my money back?
  2. yes!
  3. early on it was Steve-N-sun
  4. sometimes the "nothing" ain't so "silent?"
  5. you talking about ree-the-Ford ?
  6. @PortaJohn mobile-dump
  7. @flyingcement fly-in-the-cement fly-engine-she-meant fla-ying-seem-ent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. @MPhillips m-Phil-lips m-philli-psst c-bus G-et-on-it-! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. @Wrestleknownothing wrestle-K-no-nothing wrestle-known-othing wrestle-know-no-thing rest-like-no-won-thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. His coach says "G" but maybe he doesn't know.
  11. @Idaho eye-duh-hoe or eye-da-ho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  12. Doesn't everyone wrestle attached at this point?
  13. Link to brackets?
  14. It was good but didn't ride all the way up Weston peak, man those hills are steep and high, did hike a couple high peaks. Got good altitude acclimation so was killing it once back in the low lands.
  15. So you are saying its possible Penn St could win it this year?
  16. So porta, are you denying the routine of taking a dump after weighins but before the match and only in an outdoor mobile loo? Come on give us the full stink john.
  17. https://www.wrestlestat.com/event/duals
  18. Curious, how does DT's freestyle weight align with his college weight?
  19. .
  20. Am assuming you wore it on dates.
  21. So what's a possible solution? I don't see a Rs helping on that. The kid could just be in the room getting better for two years start as a Jr. With a Rs he might be in the room for two years start as a rSo but he's competing against guys who came in ahead of him and took a Rs thus has he gained any ground. Now if he didn't do all the travel, the parents saved the money for college, invested in education etc. then he should be ahead of the others and not need the Rs for academic reasons. I don't see any simple solutions.
  22. No Although on second thought, with the current food price inflation maybe in ~10 years we will not to temporarily (say 5 years) drop all the weight classes down by say 10% to reflect the loss in weight of the general population due to this here high inflation era. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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