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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Well of course and E V E N T S must stand for ...
  2. or compared to the head & arm lock - now a 5 second
  3. ouch
  4. Nah ... pretty sure Penn St "owns" it. But really ... both arms & ankles?! PS: don't go all TBar on me here, tis but a friendly jab.
  5. Just wanted to be the first to say: I really enjoyed the Mr. PeanutButter era.
  6. Think its called the "Penn State ride."
  7. Does she hire out?
  8. What does OPC stand for? Guess thats a step I've been missing, got there faster this way, but it appears to be the same old format they've used for 10/15 years.
  9. Sometimes want to see all the current meets or see whats available to decide which to watch, maybe you are saying it does that..
  10. can I come play on your lawn?
  11. And you have to do that every time you login, correct? And what if you don't know the "meet?"
  12. Hey do you have a light green 77 BMW530i? I may have left ^^this^^ in the car when sold it to get the 88 528i.
  13. Where do you find the match on the Dashboard? I'm always so frustrated with their ~12 step search operation and all the annoying stuff i don't want to look at. Why can't track (and Flo) have a filter that allows you to view say only college info based on a user setting via login. Almost every real-estate etc app or web site has had such forever now.
  14. I went out and bought a case of Bud Light before breakfast.
  15. mulch my man mulch
  16. Bob says no, OP shoulda thought of this before posting. But it takes an hour to wake Bob up from his nap.
  17. If you wanted to see an example of this and the why not, last night's Mizzu v ASU was a good case. It was put out for free thru the P12 network but think it was a ASU local production. Good video & announcers, no clock or score info on screen, and only got to see ~3/4 of every match as had connection issues and would go to ~1 minute commercial during match, rarely caught the beginning of a match. Streaming these types of events takes a company that knows what they are doing not random university undergrad communication programs.
  18. A new rule invented to keep folks from scoring too many points, named as a sub species of the fall animal therefore a techfall. Sure we don't like it but we've learned to live with it.
  19. Well that could've been fun if we'd seen two moves in a row.
  20. ahh Easy to Enjoy
  21. here we go again
  22. Agree but also Parco has upgraded his coach.
  23. Did you know: Bud Light is EASY TO ENJOY
  24. Yes At least I now know I'd like to have a bud light, but unfortunately I only have good beer in the frig.
  25. Missed half of 157
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