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Everything posted by ionel

  1. But why would they do audio, thought they were a streaming video service specializing in wrestling, fooled again and not only the 3rd time. I saw it on the WS schedule and didn't bother checking Flo
  2. Then why was it listed on Flo? Shows audio only now, can I get my money back?
  3. yes!
  4. early on it was Steve-N-sun
  5. sometimes the "nothing" ain't so "silent?"
  6. you talking about ree-the-Ford ?
  7. @PortaJohn mobile-dump
  8. @flyingcement fly-in-the-cement fly-engine-she-meant fla-ying-seem-ent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. @MPhillips m-Phil-lips m-philli-psst c-bus G-et-on-it-! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. @Wrestleknownothing wrestle-K-no-nothing wrestle-known-othing wrestle-know-no-thing rest-like-no-won-thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. His coach says "G" but maybe he doesn't know.
  12. @Idaho eye-duh-hoe or eye-da-ho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Doesn't everyone wrestle attached at this point?
  14. Link to brackets?
  15. It was good but didn't ride all the way up Weston peak, man those hills are steep and high, did hike a couple high peaks. Got good altitude acclimation so was killing it once back in the low lands.
  16. So you are saying its possible Penn St could win it this year?
  17. So porta, are you denying the routine of taking a dump after weighins but before the match and only in an outdoor mobile loo? Come on give us the full stink john.
  18. https://www.wrestlestat.com/event/duals
  19. Curious, how does DT's freestyle weight align with his college weight?
  20. .
  21. Am assuming you wore it on dates.
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