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Everything posted by ionel

  1. Wanta bet ... oh no nevermind.
  2. You "deferred" thank you.
  3. Seems to be what you are doing unfortunate as it is.
  4. So better to just be a straight loser and let the other country win.
  5. What you learn when you take enough economics is that you really didn't learn anything in Econ 101 except to be dangerous ... same true with Stat 101.
  6. Then what is a tarrif that another country puts on us?
  7. Is that you Vak? It is not a strawman. Do you understand the concept of income elasticity? Do you know what FDR did?
  8. If the tax rate is 100% and is cut to 95% will revenue go up or down?
  9. ... I can see that ...
  10. ... an Iowa and PSU wrestler simultaneously shooting lefty high crotch ... what did I win?
  11. ... and for the dummies in the back?
  12. I'm amazed at the quality of their graphic, scores, riding time etc for an entity not really directly involved in wrestling. It took the BTN like 20 years to figure out how to display riding time.
  13. I was gonna say no pain no gain but then noticed you're talking about sump'n different. Maybe ill go with no pan no chicken dinner.
  14. You don't think a #1 to #3 ranked wrestler can't win b10?
  15. Well sure it would be very difficult to win both Big 12 and Big 10 the same year kind've like the unlikely hood of winning Pennsylvania and Ohio state championships in the same year ... ya know the "states" thingy.
  16. This sounds like bet opportunity ... how much?
  17. If Wkn would post his Top 25 Flexers chart I bet we can figure it out.
  18. Surber #1 at 197, I like it. Can we see the team race chart based on RPI only?
  19. Some of my best friends have been banished to the back of the zoo. It'd be good to see them again.
  20. Re read my posts. I was simply attempting to lead @headshuck back on the path of righteousness.
  21. Flying falls should've counted ... some wrestlers were ahead of their time ... no consideration.
  22. If Messenbrink wins then Stevenson wins ... its a package deal.
  23. Nope ... no fictitious "pinfalls."
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