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Everything posted by ionel

  1. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6363844350112 I'm convinced. This must be true. Just look at how she proves it with her hands. I think she might've learned this at Boston U so ...
  2. You said above you didn't know the appointment %. How do you know the teaching appointment isn't the same as the coach?
  3. ... and you are willing to bet ... ?
  4. As said above depends on the university, appointment, duties etc. Were you upset that the wrestling coach, football coach etc weren't teaching 200-300 level courses?
  5. Bob only gives us 15 minutes to edit or delete a post but little known feature is select the three dots then the "hide" option (you don't need to fill out a reason) and your post will disappear. Its a handy feature for when you realize some 20+ minutes later that you made a stupid post, or in this case where fellow posters informed you that it was maybe stupid.
  6. You go girl ... but be careful.
  7. I think you are on to something there.
  8. The "hide" option can be your friend.
  9. https://www.wrestlestat.com/d1/event/duals
  10. I dont know for sure what you mean by "researcher" but it probably depends on the university. If you are talking about faculty/professors then it depends on their appointment. If they have a 100% research appointment or say a 60% research 40% public service appointment then they would not be require to teach a course.
  11. This has to be on something other than tiktok. Anytime I try to watch these it requires that I install the app, I'm not going to install the app.
  12. I've met him. Didn't think he was "hot" but maybe thats just me. He might be your type Lisa.
  13. Thought I watched/listened to the whole video. I did not here her say anything about maga or speculation of maga.
  14. That'd be wOSU ... and nah they prob ain't staying around. C'mon man you knew this - get on it! Course if wOSU dissappears guess we could just go back to OSU and Tosu.
  15. There's always pizza!
  16. Smart move ... he'll be able to drink beer as a freshman in college not have to wait around till senior year like most college students.
  17. Oh man ... now I'm gonna have to update my signature. @ILLINIWrestlingBlog told me my best post ever was 10/24. Thought that intel would be good for at least a month.
  18. He will be unbound by where he will be.
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